Monthly Roundup: March Favorites

March is wrapping up, which means we’ve officially made it to spring ☀️

I don’t have many thoughts about March; it was a good month but not great or bad. There were some highs and some lows. An average month to end Q1 2024.

{ONE} More time outside.

The temps are starting to rise which means more time outside! More walks, more time on the porch, more pushing Vienna in her swing. It’s a joy watching Vienna love being outside so much. We wave to the school buses and cars that drive by. We point to the birds and airplanes in the air and play in the grass. I’m realizing it’s a lot easier to entertain busy toddlers outside than it is inside and we both do well with lots of fresh air.

{TWO Special time with friends.

I feel like I got a lot of quality friend time in this month and it really has encouraged me. My cousin visited from New York, my friend Katie and I celebrated our birthdays with brunch, and I got dinner with a friend from church who I’ve wanted to get to know better.

{THREE} The big chop.

I got the “mom cut,” as they say. My hair was pretty long and I needed a change, so this month I walked into the hair salon and came out with hair 6ish inches shorter. I’m still learning to style it. It’s still about shoulder-length but it’s the shortest haircut I’ve had for a long time so it feels dramatic and out of my comfort zone. But it also is a little easier to style and dries so much faster.

{FOUR} My birthday.

My birthday is in March and it turned out to be one to remember. On my actual birthday, my mom, Vienna and I had a girls day then Luke and I went out to dinner at my favorite restaurant. BUT THEN, Luke threw me a small surprise party the weekend after my birthday. I had no idea and arrived in sweats and with no makeup on (which also are dead giveaways that I didn’t suspect a thing). It was so special walking through the front door to some of my favorite people gathered in my kitchen. Luke somehow also managed to bake a birthday cake without me questioning a thing. A successful surprise and great memories. 💗

{FIVE} Vienna’s bows.

I have to include this because I don’t want to forget Vienna’s latest obsession right now: Bows. She is a little fashionista at heart and requests to wear a bow every day, completely on her own initiative and without any prompting from me. Sometimes the bow matches the outfit and other times it’s a “statement,” but it’s just so cute. I’ll put one on her head and she gets so excited and runs to the mirror to look at it. I love it.