Embracing Chaos: A Type A New Mom's Guide to Organization

Raise your hand if you’re a Type A mom. 🙋‍♀️

That’s me with my hand raised.

If you're anything like me, you thrive on structure, organization, and having everything just so. But let's face it, once you have a kid, that structure can go out the window and you find yourself saying “PI-VOT” a lot more frequently. As a new(ish) mom in her 30s juggling work-from-home responsibilities alongside motherhood (not to mention everything else!), I've learned a thing or two in the last 14ish months about maintaining sanity in the midst of the beautiful “mess.”

{ONE} Establishing Routines.

I stand by this: Routines are the lifeline of any organized household. From morning rituals to bedtime routines, having a set schedule provides stability for your child and helps you stay on track with your work, household chores, social life, and more. Embrace the power of a well-planned day, and watch how smoothly things begin to flow. Of course, plans can go out the window, but having plans and routines is the first step to establishing order and organization. This post is a few years old, but still rings true regarding My Organization System setup.

{TWO} Streamlining Your Workspace.

Working from home presents its own set of challenges, especially with a toddler in tow. Create a designated workspace that's both functional and toddler-friendly if needed. In our case, my office is also the guest room so I snagged some ALEX drawers to help hide all the stationery and misc. supplies. I’ve learned to invest in storage solutions like bins, shelves, and organizers to keep my workspace clutter-free. Everything in its place boosts productivity and eases your mind amidst the chaos.

{THREE} Embracing Flexibility.

As much as I love making plans, motherhood is teaching me to expect the unexpected. Learn to embrace flexibility and adaptability in your daily life. Some days, the laundry might pile up, and that's okay. Some days, the only productive things on your to-do list are the “must-do” things to survive. Other days you have a plan in place and then your baby gets sick and the whole plan goes out the window. Give yourself grace and embrace the motto “PIVOT.” It’s okay. Everything will work out and get done eventually. Prioritize what truly matters – time with that ever-growing, always-changing baby.

{FOUR} Outsourcing Help.

There's no shame in asking for help. I’m the first to admit that I have the best little “village” and I could not do this fully on my own. Luke is an amazing hands-on dad and husband, we have an incredible babysitter who comes a few times a week, my mom comes once a week, and lots of friends and family live close by. Whether it is hiring a babysitter for a few hours a week or delegating household tasks to your partner, outsourcing can be a game-changer. Remember, it's not about doing it all, but rather doing what you can with the resources available to you.

{FIVE} Prioritizing Self-Care.

Amidst the chaos of motherhood and work, don't forget to prioritize self-care. I’m not great at this, but I’m working on it! Schedule regular "me time" activities that recharge your batteries, whether it is taking a long walk, unplugging from technology, or simply curling up with a good book. Remember, a happy mama is a better mama. Here are 18 easy and budget-friendly self-care ideas if you need some inspo!

In the whirlwind of motherhood, maintaining organization may seem daunting, but with a little planning and flexibility, you can “conquer it all” – one diaper change at a time. So here's to embracing the chaos, finding beauty in the mess, and navigating this incredible journey of motherhood with grace and style.

Stay organized, stay caffeinated, and above all, enjoy every precious moment with your little one. 💗