My 10 Work From Home Essentials

It’s been a while since I’ve shared my work from home essentials so today I’m providing an updated list. I’ve been working from home full-time for 4+ years and have learned a thing or two about how to do it effectively. It can be a tricky balance to have your work and personal lives so closely integrated and sometimes it is difficult to find a good balance between the two. However, these 10 things help me get into the “working mindset” and have proven to be productivity game changers.

{ONE} Get ready.

Even if it’s changing into a casual sweatshirt and leggings (on days I don’t have on-camera meetings), I get ready every day. I change clothes, do my hair, and put on a little makeup. Oddly enough, I even put shoes on (even if it’s just slippers) because it helps me feel put together and out of that sleep/relax mode.

{TWO} My planner.

You know by now I’m a big Bloom Planners fan and have used the Vision Planner for at least 6 years now. I don’t use my planner for work-related tasks, but I do have it open on my desk to jot down personal to-do items that come to mind throughout the day. Things like errands I need to run after work, household chores, birthdays and special events — anything that pops to mind but that I can’t address at that moment, I write it down. It helps me keep these two areas of life separated even though they’re physically in the same space.

{THREE} Glasses.

I actually need my prescription glasses, but if you have perfect eye sight, bluelight glasses are also helpful. My pair has blue light built into the prescription (amazing) and helps me combat headaches. A bonus benefit is that it helps me look even more put together during meetings and I don’t have to do my eye makeup (yay!).

{FOUR} Desk lamp.

This is a recent addition that I wish I’d added years ago. I purchased a small desk lamp from Amazon for days when I either need extra lighting or when I don’t want to put my overhead light on. It adds an ambient, cozy feel to my office, especially when it’s gloomy or raining outside.

{FIVE} A water bottle.

I received a pink Stanley cup (4o oz) for Christmas a few years ago and have been using it ever since. Even though I think it’s great, your water bottle does not have to be trendy. Any water bottle (or glass) will do. I am terrible at drinking water throughout the day but having it on my desk is the visible reminder to stay hydrated, especially on busy days when I’m in back-to-back-to-back meetings and it’s not top of mind.

{SIX} Calendar blocking.

When I can, I calendar block my days. When I do it, I notice a huge difference in my productivity than when I keep my calendar completely free/open to tackle to-dos haphazardly. Especially on the days when I have childcare, I must calendar-block and strategize my days down to the minute to really be as efficient as possible. I’ll block my calendar to work on large writing projects, catch up on admin tasks, respond to emails, even set reminders for myself to eat lunch. It is a small but mighty habit that helps me stay focused and on-task.

{SEVEN} Regular short breaks.

I’m not great at this, but I try to take short, regular breaks throughout the day. Even if it’s just to stand, refill my water bottle, or switch the laundry in between meetings, taking a few minutes to not stare at the computer helps me come back refreshed. Here are 36 Productive Things To Do in 5 Minutes or Less if you need some ideas on what to do. I also received a walking pad for Christmas and have been using it to get my steps in throughout the day. Sometimes I’ll work while walking but often I’ll jump on it in between meetings to get some movement in. It’s been a life saver, for sure.

{EIGHT} Coffee (of course).

This should be #1! Coffee is an everyday essential, obviously, but definitely an aid to my workday. I limit myself to two cups (hot coffee in the morning and usually a mid-afternoon iced coffee if I need it). It’s a small treat that brings so much joy (cliche but true).

{NINE} A good playlist/podcast/audiobook.

My job consists of a lot of meetings, but when it’s not a meeting-heavy day, I love a good playlist, podcast or audiobook in the background when I’m working. Depending on what task I’m working on, sometimes I prefer music without lyrics since podcasts and audiobooks can be distracting. Usually any coffee house or Lofi beats playlist works. My favorite podcasts at the moment are The Lazy Genius, Gals On The Go, Bad On Paper, and House Guest with Kenzie Elizabeth.

{TEN} To-do list.

Last but not least, I love a good ol’ fashioned notepad to-do list. I thrive off of lists and writing things down. I write everything down since I don’t trust my brain to remember all the things! I’ll write a daily to-do list and work through it, highlighting tasks when they’re completed. Anything that isn’t crossed off by the end of the day goes to the next day’s to-do list as a priority item. Everyone has their own way of organizing their responsibilities and priorities, and this is what I’ve found works for me. For my full organization system, check out this blog post.