A Pop of Yellow


I’m not sure about you, but I’m not a ‘yellow’ person. I never thought I could wear it, let alone pair it with a royal purple dress.

But alas, here we are.

When my friend offered to lend me her yellow leather jacket for Easter, I couldn’t resist.

“Why not?” I thought.

At first, I felt very Easter egg-y, colorful and bright. I don’t usually wear anything that bold. To be honest, I almost chickened out when I first tried it on. I felt like a giant yellow highlighter!

But then I realized life is short, why worry about the color jacket I wear? Wearing a little yellow never hurt anybody. It also got me thinking.

To wear bright yellow (paired with an equally colorful purple dress) took a bit of stepping outside of the fashion comfort zone. It encouraged me to be a bit more confident and rock the yellow jacket, not just wear it half-heartedly.

Yellow isn’t my color and will never be a color I choose willingly, but daring to try something different and challenge the way I view spring fashion was fun. I definitely recommend pushing your fashion limits to try something new. You never know – you could end up loving it!