Monthly Roundup: January Favorites
I took a little break from these monthly roundup posts because life got cray.
When I realized it was time for a monthly roundup post, I did a double take at my calendar. To be honest, January went by sooo slowly that it seemed like it would last forever. I think it was the cold weather and gloomy days. When it’s dark by 3pm every day, night feels like it goes on forever and it can be hard to push through!
However, here are a few things that I’ve deemed my January favorites because each helped me get through the long weeks.
{ONE} The Woman in Cabin 10
At the beginning of the year, I resolved to read at least 35 books this year. I’m 5 books in and by far, The Woman in Cabin 10 has been my favorite {so far}. I’m a huge fan of Gone Girl and Girl on the Train, so I’m used to a bit of suspense. This book was a bit slow at first but after a few chapters, I couldn’t put it down! Check out my 2019 Bookshelf here.
{TWO} Hallway Update
Oh, adulting. It’s funny what you get excited about once you have your own house! This month Luke and I finally repainted our downstairs hallway from a dusty brown to an off-white. Radical, I know, but it’s crazy what a difference a little paint switch does to a space! It also feels good to check it off the project list, so it’s a win-win.
{THREE} Bullet Journaling
Month 1 of bullet journaling was a success! I absolutely love this style of organizing and planning because it combines a few of my favorite things: lists, grids, and trackers. I’m not your typical bullet journal-er, though. I still have my Bloom Planners’ Vision Planner to plan out my monthly/weekly events and goals and I bring that with me to work every day while my bullet journal typically stays at home. I’ll be writing a full blog post on how I bullet journal but for now, I’ve grown to love my habit trackers, reading list, and spreads for monthly/yearly goals and events.
{FOUR} Bevgo Infuser Water Bottle
I’ve mentioned this water bottle already this month, but I feel like it needs another shoutout. No lie, it makes drinking water so fun. Before, I had trouble drinking even 32 ounces of water day, but now I can easily finish 64. A few of my favorite additions are lemons, limes, and strawberries.