The Adventures of TLGHG + TLDHG


Oh August, what a month you were.

Usually I’d reminisce on my favorite products or possessions of the month in a “Monthly Roundup” post. However, that is not the case this month.

My favorite moments were not the products I grew to love, or the books I read.

My favorite moments were the ones spent with family and with Mom Mom before she went to Heaven last week.

I haven’t written about that here yet because I didn’t have the energy to share my true emotions.

I’m still grieving. My whole family is. Mom Mom was (is) one of the most incredible people I know. She was full of joy and love and spunk. She was funny and kind.

Instead of trying to put into words what I feel, below is a snippet of what I said at her funeral this weekend. <3

It is impossible to put into words how much Mom Mom impacted my life and how big of a hole there is without her now. There are countless stories I could share about Mom Mom and it wouldn’t even begin to scratch the surface. Mom Mom LOVED people. She loved writing and creating custom cards for all celebrations. Her love language was definitely words of affirmation, and she used them wisely to encourage others and point them to Jesus.  

Growing up, Mom Mom always signed her letters to me with “TLGHG,” which stood for The Little Grey-Haired Grandmother. It was her way of joking about getting older, always the person to find the humor in everyday life. I always signed mine with the nickname she gave me, "TLDHG," The Little Dark-Haired Girl.

The Little Grey-Haired Grandmother and The Little Dark-Haired Girl had many adventures together. We went shopping, we played piano duets, we both loved order, we both loved cardinals. We had a unique connection of being the only girl with three brothers. Our love language is words of affirmation. When I had the idea to start a blog in high school, Mom Mom encouraged me to go for it and was my first subscriber. She commented on every single blog post and frequently printed them and my other writings out to include in the “Kids’ Quotes” books. 

Mom Mom and Pop Pop created so many memories for our family. During weeklong vacations to Cape May, Mom Mom organized the detailed itinerary, including tandem bike rides and trips to the Cape May lighthouse. On road trips, she’d pack snacks and coloring books to keep us entertained. On the day after Christmas every year, we’d head to their house, eat breakfast, read the Christmas story, and exchange gifts. And every year, Mom Mom and Pop Pop would say, “That’s it! No more gifts!” then sneak away, dress like Santa and Mrs. Claus, and bring one last surprise gift for each of us, one by one.  

I have so many memories that it is quite impossible to sum it up. And if you know me, I'm usually never at a loss for words. I got that from Mom Mom. I don't want to sum it up, though, because there is comfort in knowing that so many memories exist. The more I think, the more I remember.

Mom Mom had a quiet strength that was apparent her entire life. She loved Jesus, her husband, her children, her grandchildren... really, she loved everyone. "Always be a friend," she'd say. And she truly lived that out. I miss her so much, and cannot wait until The Little Grey-Haired Grandmother and The Little Dark-Haired Girl are reunited once again.