To the Girl Reading This on Valentine's Day


Valentine’s Day.

Love it or hate it, today’s the day you’re going to see love everywhere.

But before you close out this blog post and roll your eyes, hear me out.

I’ve always been a fan of Valentine’s Day but not for the reasons you might think.

If you’ve been a reader long enough, you know that I was single as a pringle in high school and throughout college. When Valentine’s Day came around, boy it was tough.

I don’t care WHO you are, everyone likes to feel loved and appreciated. Maybe that’s through words or gifts. Maybe it’s when someone does something nice for you. Doesn’t matter who you are, everyone wants to feel valued in some way.

Valentine’s Day may be a “Hallmark holiday,” but it didn’t matter to me. It was a day that represented love and it hit a bit closer to home for whatever reason that I didn’t have that “special someone.”

When will I meet my future husband? Am I not pretty? Am I too loud for a guy to like me? Am I too Type A?

Am I, Am I, Am I….

However, even with the doubts and the uncertainty, I still loved the holiday. And I still do. I have really special memories that I can look back on. Let’s go down memory lane for a second, shall we?

My mom, for instance, would always give me and the boys a little gift on Valentine’s Day. We’d get donuts at Dunkin’, for example, and she’d buy our favorite candy bars. When we were really little, I remember one year she gave us a little book of McDonald’s coupons for free ice cream cones and fries. Remember those?! You could purchase them for a couple of bucks and it would make a kid’s YEAR.

My dad would come home with roses for my mom and a few for me. We’d all have a special dinner with roses on the table.

In high school, when Valentine’s Day is “the holiday” every girl talks about, I remember my brothers surprised me with flowers and chocolate. Seriously. Best. Brothers. Ever.

Fast forward to college and one year my brother and I went out for dinner and had a bonding night.

Seriously, Valentine’s Day does NOT have to be for just the lovers out there. It can be for whomever you want to show love to. Your parents, your siblings, your best friends.

When Luke came into my life, Valentine’s Day changed. The timing was perfect in the way God orchestrated it to be.

But through all the Valentine’s Days that came before that — while I was waiting for my Prince Charming to come along — I had to be okay and enjoy the stage of life I was in. I had to learn how to trust God even when I wasn’t sure what was going on. I took the opportunity to figure out stuff about myself. I had to learn how to be content even when it was hard. I had to accept, appreciate, and embrace the stage God had me in without forcing my way to work. I had to trust in God’s timing. I had to learn how to love Valentine’s Day as a single gal.

So here’s what I say to you, to the girl reading this blog post on Valentine’s Day.

To the girl who’s single, I see you. I encourage you to celebrate the love you have in those around you.

To the girl who’s wondering when Prince Charming is going to show up, I get you. I urge you to focus on the people who are in your life now.

To the girl who is lonely, I know how you feel. I pray you will experience love in your friendships and be able to express love in return.

To the girl who is dating, I’ve been there. Please don’t forget to show love to others, too.

To the girl who is married, I’m with you. I pray you and I will show love to the girls coming up behind us. I pray we can show them what it means to share Christ’s love and that our worth comes from Him alone.

To the girl who’s reading this, thank you. For being you. For being the epic person that you are. You are loved by me and so many. By the Creator of the Universe. And no matter what, you are loved.

Happy Valentine’s Day ♥️