10 Blogging Tips for Beginners

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Blogmas Day 14

Thank you to everyone who entered the Coffee With Keri giveaway! I am pleased to announce the winner: @ash_dekker on Instagram! Please leave me a message in the Contact Form to claim your Coffee With Keri Favorites bundle. Congrats!

As a new year approaches, so do New Year’s Resolutions. Maybe you create a list of goals you want to achieve for the new year. I do this, too. Maybe this happens to you, too: you set goals for the new year and then you get to mid-February and you just don’t know what to do to keep the momentum going. The resolutions become wishes with no real next steps of follow through.

It happens; you’re not alone.

If one of your resolutions for 2021 is to “start blogging,” then today is your lucky day. Whether you are interested in starting a blog or just curious about the steps I took to start Coffee With Keri, I want to offer assistance however I can. Here are 10 Blogging Tips for Beginners with some real-life stories and lessons I’ve learned incorporates throughout.

Tip #1: Ask yourself, “Do I even like to write?”

It seems silly, but before you go any further, do you even like to write? Not writing captions, that doesn’t count. I mean write, like essays and stuff. Does the idea of sitting down on a regular basis to write excite you or sound like something you’d hate? If it’s something you already are dreading, then don’t blog. Save yourself some time and try something else! Blogging can be seen as a “cool” thing to do but it’s not for everyone. And that’s okay if it’s not for you!

Tip #2: Make a list of blog post ideas

Before you even start researching potential blogging platforms or writing actual blog posts, make a list of potential blog post ideas. What would you write about? What excites you? Jot down as many as you can. Do you love to read? Do you like to bake? Making a list of blog post ideas will help you start to find your niche and what makes you…you!

Tip #3: Research blogging platforms

Now that you’ve decided you want to write and have an idea of what you will write about, the next step is figuring out where you will write. I use Squarespace, but there are also other options like Wordpress and Wix. I suggest trying a free version of a blogging platform before you commit to anything. This allows you to get in the habit of writing without paying anything to do it.

When I first started blogging (about 10 years ago now), I started with Wordpress. It was easy to create an account and had a lot of free templates to choose from. It helped me figure out what I wanted my blog to look like without the pressure of people seeing it. (Because to be honest, at the beginning, you won’t have a lot of readers and that’s okay!) Once I started familiarizing myself with blogging and the process, I was more comfortable paying for things like a domain or customized templates.

Tip #4: Experiment to find your style

I know it’s very tempting to just copy another blogger’s template or style but do NOT do that. That’s not creative and they are not YOU. You can of course look at other blogs and websites for inspiration but do not copy it. Not only is that offensive to the blogger who spent time creating and designing their website, but it’s also not fair to you. Experiment with colors, with templates, with the look and feel of your blog. Think about what you like and what feels like you. The key to a successful blog is embracing your personal “brand” and not trying to copy someone else’s aesthetic.

Tip #5: Ask questions

Go to Google, other bloggers, your friends and family. Ask questions and make mistakes. I may sound like Miss Frizzle when saying this, but it’s true! It’s okay to not have all the answers and to feel completely lost. I’ve been there, too. At the beginning, I asked my mom to read my blog posts before posting them because I was still figuring out what worked and what didn’t. I asked my friends to check out my blog and make suggestions on how to improve it. I still ask Luke (my husband) for his advice when it comes to the design and layout. Ask questions because that’s how you get better.

Tip #6: Just start writing

Like any other habit or hobby, you just have to start. It doesn’t need to be amazing but just start writing! Write, rewrite, edit, review, write some more. Don’t worry about publishing amazing content; focus on the act of writing itself. The more you blog, the better you’ll get because you’ll be working your writing muscle. Don’t wait for a blog post to be “perfect” before publishing it. Just START!

Tip #7: Add imagery

Although blogging is mostly about the words, there is a visual element too. Although it’s not necessary, supporting visuals can help strengthen your blog post. For example, you can write an entire blog post about how to make your famous chocolate chip cookies, but the blog post will be even more appealing with a picture of said cookies. Imagery helps tell your story and can entice people to click into the blog post to read more.

Tip #8: Write about what you’re passionate about (not just what you think will “do well”)

This is a bit of a picky tip, but write about what you’re passionate about. Don’t just write about what you “think” will do well. Write about what you know. Your blog is your expertise; it’s a reflection of you. If you’re not into fashion, don’t write about fashion! If you don’t consider yourself a reader, don’t force yourself to write about books. Your readers will be able to tell when you’re passionate about something and when you’re just hopping on a trend so make sure what you write about reflects who you are.

Tip #9: Share your blog

One of the scariest parts of blogging (at least at first) is sharing it with others. When I first started blogging, I didn’t want anyone to know. I didn’t think my writing was good, let alone worthy of others seeing it. The more comfortable you get with blogging, the more confident you should be to share it with others! Don’t be afraid to write a Facebook post sharing your blog or telling friends and family. You have support so don’t be shy!

Tip #10: Be consistent

Like any other goal or resolution, you’ll be excited at first. The idea of blogging is exciting and writing posts is fun. After a bit, though, the excitement wears off and a lot of people who start blogging all of a sudden drop off and stop all together. The key to a “successful” blog is consistency.

Don’t over promise and under deliver. Show up when you say you’re going to show up. Your subscribers and readers will count on you. If you can only commit to one blog post a week, stick to it. If you commit to publishing posts on Wednesdays, stay consistent and post every single Wednesday.

This is something I still struggle with, too. With a full-time job, a husband and puppy, and a host of other commitments, it can be easy to put Coffee With Keri on the back burner. However, I committed to posting every Friday and I am a huge believer in consistency. When I say I’ll do something, I’m going to do it, and I’m going to do it every time I say I’m going to do it. And with practice and discipline, I believe you can do it, too!

Those are a few of my tips for those who want to blog. At the end of the day, your blog is a reflection of you and you alone. Own it, work towards it, show up even when you have writer’s block. The more you practice, the better you’ll get, and the stronger your “blogging muscle” becomes. You’ve got this!