Crafted By the Master's Hand
Like many in the past week, I have been shaken to my core.
I am a mix of emotions at all times, from completely heartbroken to outrageously infuriated to incredibly frustrated and in shock.
Really, America? We’re still here?
We’re still fighting the injustice? We’re still insisting that Black Lives Matter? We’re still trying to convince people that racism and hatred is WRONG?
Yes we are.
And like many, I’ve had enough.
I know my platform isn’t large, but any platform is big enough to stand up for what’s right.
I struggled all week with finding the words to say and frankly, I don’t even know if they’re the right ones TO say. But the silence of many is deafening and I’ll always choose to speak up and stand up for what’s right rather than sit back and pretend I’m not part of the problem.
I am utterly grieved that this is where we are as a country, where we are as people. I am heartbroken for my black brothers and sisters in Christ that they have to always be on their guard.
I am shattered by the complete disrespect and hatred I’ve seen towards people of color. From the micro-aggressions to the macro actions.
I am infuriated. I am grieved. I am shattered.
And yet.
I’m white. I will never completely understand.
I will never completely understand what it means to live life completely guarded and worried what will happen next. I will never completely understand what it means to be judged only by my skin. I will never completely understand the depths of grief, fury, frustration, and exhaustion.
I understand I will never completely understand.
I will stand. I will speak up. I will not be silent.
And you shouldn’t be either.
Get UP. DO something. SAY something. Use the VOICE and the POWER that you have. If not now, then WHEN? If not today, then WHEN? If not for people of color, then WHO?
“What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
My friend Nehemiah wrote a poem that should never have had to be written. It’s beautifully heartbreaking and extremely powerful. It’s gut wrenching and emotional and right from his heart.
It’s more than I can ever say and it’s important that you listen to it, too.