8 Things I Do Every Single Day


Can I be honest for a second?

I’ve been in a funk this week. I don’t know why or what caused it. Sometimes I wake up and am ready to take on the day, being as productive as humanly possible. And other days, I’m just not feelin’ it.

This week, I haven’t been feelin’ it. I’ve sat looking at the blinking cursor every day trying to decide what to write about.

I haven’t wanted to read, run, or write. I’ve had trouble focusing and have battled migraines every other day.

It’s just one of those weeks, ya know?

Sometimes I scroll through my old blog posts when I’m feeling uninspired to write. It actually helps re-motivate me when I’m feeling kind of blah. And that’s what happened this week. I had an idea!

It came out of nowhere. I knew what I wanted to share with you.

Even though I haven’t been feeling motivated or productive, I realized there are still things I do every single day, regardless of how I’m feeling. So if you’re feeling in a funk or just having “one of those weeks” I’m with you. And it’s okay.

And if you’re curious, here are the 8 Things I Do Every Single Day.

{ONE} Make My Bed

Even if it’s the only thing I accomplish that day, I always make our bed. Sometimes Luke will make it, I’ll admit. And yes, there have been times where I don’t make it first thing in the morning (gasp! How dare she!) but at some point, no matter what, that bed gets made every day.

(Also, if you haven’t read Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe The World by Admiral William McRaven yet, I highly recommend it.)

{TWO} Drink Coffee

You know me. And if you don’t, hi I’m Keri, welcome to Coffee With Keri. I love coffee and no matter what, I’ll always start my day with it.

{THREE} DuoLingo

I mentioned this in a recent post but I downloaded the DuoLingo app a few months ago and love it. I’ve been slowly but surely re-learning French. I have an 80-day streak so even if it’s 5 minutes a day, I complete a DuoLingo lesson to keep the streak alive.

{FOUR} Move

Sometimes movement is simply doing some squats and walking outside to let Lucy out. Other times, it’s running a 5K or doing a HIIT workout. Even if it’s only for a few minutes, I believe it’s important to move every single day.

{FIVE} Tidy Up

This doesn’t mean organize the entire house or do all the loads of laundry, but every day I try to tidy up something. Even if that means putting some dishes in the dishwasher or folding a few blankets. I am affected by the space around me so if it’s untidy, I have an even harder time focusing or relaxing.

{SIX} Read

I’ve been really focused on reading every day this year. This week, like I said, I haven’t had the motivation to read for long lengths of time. Although I sometimes struggle with wanting to read, I want to practice consistency regardless of how I feel. And you’ll never regret inching towards a goal, even if it’s just an inch!

{SEVEN} One Second Every Day

I completed the One Second Every Day challenge in 2018 and 2019 without missing a day. And I don’t plan to skip a day in 2020 either (even if half of the video is turning out to be videos of Lucy). #2020AmIRight

P.S. If you haven’t watched my 2019 One Second Every Day video, you can watch it here.

{EIGHT} Write a to-do list

And finally, you can try to keep the Type A girl down but she’ll always find a way to write a to-do list. It’s a love language, I’m sure of it. Even if it just says “make bed” and “drink coffee,” I write a to-do list every day. Checking off to-dos makes me feel accomplished, and even if I don’t complete the entire list, at least it’s written down for tomorrow (or next week, let’s be honest).