Monthly Roundup: February Favorites


February was a blur. I truly don’t remember a lot of it. Many days followed the same routine so the days blend together a bit in my head. This past week we’ve had a mix of snow, rain and sunny days and I’ve got to admit, the warmer weather made me excited for spring. We’re almost there! Not that I don’t love snow and winter, but there’s something special about spring. Here are a few of my February favorites.

{ONE} Snow days

We got so much snow this month! At times, it felt like it was snowing every other day. I love waking up to snow as long as I don’t have to drive in it. It made for some cozy days working from home. There’s something so peaceful about snow falling. I also love how our house looks in the snow; it makes our blue door really pop.

{TWO} Firefly Lane on Netflix

I’ve been slowly but surely watching Firefly Lane on Netflix. The book was one of my all-time favorites from 2020 and I was excited to hear Netflix picked it up for a mini series. I have to say, though, the Netflix series is definitely more mature content. It’s good but not for everyone.

{THREE} WandaVision on Disney+

TGIF because Fridays are now for WandaVision on Disney+. I’m not even ashamed to admit that watching WandaVision has become a highlight of the week. I mentioned it in last week’s post but it deserves a repeat mention. SO GOOD.

{FOUR} Peppermint tea

A bit random, but I’ve been into drinking tea at night. I go through spurts where I’m obsessed with drinking tea in the evenings and then I’ll go weeks without it. A calming decaf option I’ve been loving is peppermint tea. It’s soothing and has been a staple on cold winter evenings.

{FIVE} My pink Keurig

I received a mini PINK Keurig for Christmas and I’m obsessed. Do I need a Keurig for my office? No. Does it bring me immense amounts of joy to have it? YES. I love it, and it’s perfect for the mid-afternoon slump or the early morning coffee when I don’t want to go downstairs and wake Lucy up yet. I’m well aware this is a first-world problem but this pink Keurig sparks lots of joy for me, okay?

{SIX} Bible Study

I was going to wait to include this in March favorites but I had to include it here. I’m SO excited about the Bible Study I joined at my church. We had our first socially-distanced meeting this week and I’m already so thankful to be part of it. We’re going to read the book Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund and I cannot wait for what’s to come.