101 in 1,001 Days Update: One Week Left

In 2019, I created a list of 101 things I aspired to do in 1,001 days.

1,001 days ends on July 14 of this year… AKA, NEXT THURSDAY. That snuck up quickly, didn’t it?!

I’ve kept the list updated right here on the blog. Not surprisingly, there are things that I haven’t checked off yet and will not do in the next week. I had high hopes for lots of traveling, but then we experienced a worldwide pandemic and plans changed (as they so often do).

However, there are a few things that are possible to complete within the next seven days, so I’m writing a post about them to keep myself accountable! Let’s see how I do.

Frame my college degree. I have procrastinated this task for SEVEN YEARS and I finally said “No more!” and ordered a frame from Amazon this week. Here I was thinking I’d need to get a custom-sized frame, but no, Amazon came to the rescue once again. It was easy enough to do, yet for some reason, it took me seven years to sit down and figure this out. Once the frame arrives, I will finally take my college degree out of the dang tube it came in and it will be glorious. Updates to come.

Keep a prayer and praise journal. I haven’t officially started or kept this, but I do write the “highlight of the day” in my bullet journal. However, I have extra notebooks and love the excuse to start a new one. I plan to start this week because I love the idea of visually seeing what God is doing in my life.

Get at least 10K steps a day for a week. I’m in the process of doing this as I type! I just have today and tomorrow to go before this is officially checked off the list! It’s way harder than it sounds, especially for someone who works from home. Stay tuned.

Do 50 pushups at once. I am not nearly as strong as 2019 Keri aspired to be by now, but I am going to attempt this. If it’s pushups on my knees or even half regular/half knee pushups, I’m counting them. Sorry not sorry.

Go through photos and organize albums. I’ve been doing this slowly but surely throughout the last couple of months, so it’s time I finish this task once and for all. It shouldn’t take me long, which is why I think I keep procrastinating!