18 Little Joys I've Discovered Latest

We’re in the midst of a busy season, and days go by in a blur. Yet, this season has been so special and I never want to forget these sparkly, cozy December days.

Back in June, I shared 18 little joys I had experienced. I recently re-read that list and was transported back to six months ago remembering some of those joys that felt so small at the time. But they were so big; some are core memories of summer now. So today I want to share 18 more little joys. Big and small, these things have been bright spots in my day, so I thought I’d share them with you.

  1. Reading, hanging out and doing basically everything by the Christmas tree.

  2. Saying “Good morning, tree!” and turning on the Christmas tree every morning with Vienna because she gets SO EXCITED.

  3. Hot coffee with peppermint mocha creamer.

  4. Wrapping gifts with Luke.

  5. Experiencing all the Christmas things through Vienna’s eyes.

  6. Highlighters, pens, and markers that glide smoothly and aren’t dried out. (IYKYK)

  7. Lucy cuddles while reading at night.

  8. Christmas lights.

  9. Oversized sweatshirts.

  10. Red nail polish.

  11. The anticipation of holiday break.

  12. Quality time with long-distance friends.

  13. Strolling through thrift stores and finding hidden treasures.

  14. Baking with mom.

  15. Receiving good ol’ snail mail from friends and family.

  16. Christmas music (instrumental, the classics, and everything in between)

  17. Visiting Longwood with my mom and sisters-in-law

  18. Finding the perfect gift for someone on my list.