Vienna's Current Favorite Toys & Books

I thought it’d be fun to do a little roundup of Vienna’s current favorite toys and books. She turned six months old this week and is currently chewing on everythingggg. She also LOVES sitting up and no longer likes to play on her back when there is a whole world to see!


{ONE} Zebra sensory teething toy

This zebra teething toy was a gift from her Grammy (Luke’s mom) and quickly became one of Vi’s favorite toys and things to snuggle and nap with. (See the photo of this blog post for proof.) We bring it with us everywhere: naptime, playtime, traveling, you name it. It’s machine washable (thank goodness) and I’ve already added it to my Amazon cart in case it ever gets lost.

{TWO} Baby activity mat

This activity mat seems to be in every family’s household, but it truly is a staple and continues to grow with Vienna. It will be sort of sad when she no longer needs or wants to play with it because she is currently obsessed with this activity mat. She loves playing on the keyboard, hitting the toys, and putting them in her mouth. The songs get stuck in my head all. day. long., but it’s worth it for the hours of entertainment this mat brings Vienna.

{THREE} The Baby Toon Elephant teething toy

I stumbled on a TikTok video of a 10-year-old girl pitching her idea to Shark Tank. Intrigued, I watched the whole thing and smiled when Lori decided to become a business partner with this little entrepreneur. The Baby Toon is a teething toy/spoon that is dishwasher safe, made of silicone, and can be tied to a pacifier string. I purchased it on a whim because Vienna is chewing alllll the things, and she was immediately obsessed with it. I like that the spoon part of the toy isn’t super long so she can’t accidentally gag herself.

{FOUR} Teething sensory chew hollow toy

Similarly, this teething sensory hollow “ninja star-like” toy is another go-to. Can you tell Vienna is teething? Hahaha.


{FIVE} Good Morning, Farm Friends

Good Morning, Farm Friends was an Imagination Library pick. Thank goodness for Dolly Parton because this book captures Vienna’s attention every time.

{SIX} The Very Hungry Caterpillar

The Very Hungry Caterpillar has been Vienna’s favorite book since day one (well, week 1 but you get the idea). It was one of the very first books I ever read to Vienna and has been the book that’s calmed her down many an afternoon before naptime. I’m not sure what it is about this book, but Vienna LOVES it.

{SEVEN} Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom was gifted by a friend at my baby shower and I had never heard of it! But now it’s one of my favorite books to read to Vienna. It’s rhythmic and silly and a fun way to teach her the ABCs. Recently, Vi likes it even more because it’s a board book (aka, something to chew on).

{EIGHT} Wherever You Go, I Want You to Know

Wherever You Go, I Want You to Know makes me cry. It’s written Dr. Seuss-style but has a beautiful Christian message at the very end that I wasn’t expecting the first time I read it out loud. It literally made me tear up. I love it so much.