Monthly Roundup: January Favorites

January has been a cozy start to the new year. It always feels like a billion days long, but I’m thankful for the month we’ve had. Here are a few monthly favorites.

{ONE} Walking pad

I received a walking pad for Christmas and spoiler alert, I love it. I’ve been wanting one for awhile and it truly is a game changer if you work from, or spend a lot of time at, home. I’ll hop on for a few minutes here and there between meetings during the workday but I’ve been mostly using it at night. I’ll pop on a YouTube video or audiobook to make the time go faster and get my steps in, especially on days where I want to do something but don’t have tons of energy for an intense workout.

{TWO} Peppermint Mocha ground coffee

Starbucks’ peppermint mocha ground coffee has been a highlight this month. No, it’s never too late for peppermint mocha coffee. Yes, it is SO good. I received a bag of ground coffee for Christmas and it is delicious.

{THREE} Winter morning routine

This month I’ve revamped my morning routine slightly to wake up 45 minutes earlier than I was before. Do I do anything revolutionary? Not at all. But I drink water, curl up on the couch with Lucy, do my devotions and read in the quiet hours before Vienna wakes up. It’s glorious. I used to be a morning person before baby-life but now I’ll take all the sleep I can so my morning routine went out the window for a bit. But it’s back, and a slow, quiet morning has proved to be a great way to start my day.

{FOUR} Bullet journaling

Can you tell January has been a month of getting back into habits and routine? I started bullet journaling again. I stopped for a few months last year because I finished my bullet journal and didn’t have another one, but I received this bullet journal for Christmas so we’re back to it! I’m in the process of figuring out realistic ways to use it for this season in my life. So far, I’ve built a few habit trackers, monthly goals spreads, and a 2024 books tracker.

{FIVE} Vienna’s baptism

Vienna got baptized at our church this month! It was such a special morning and a blessing to be surrounded by family and friends both physically and those who watched online.

{SIX} Snow days

We finally got snow this month!! If we weren’t already feeling all the cozy vibes, the snow was icing on the winter-vibes cake. Vienna loved watching it fall but wasn’t the biggest fan of actually being in the snow. We ventured around the yard for approximately 10 minutes before she said “Brr. All done.” and wanted to go back inside. Last week I shared ways I’m embracing a slow January and I’ll take some of these ideas with me as we enter February soon.

{SEVEN} Pigtails

I love being a mom and being a girl mom is so fun. There’s always an excuse to match (yes, I am that person) and I love dressing her in the cutest, girliest outfits. Vienna’s hair is wild and curly and finally long enough to have little pigtails with bow clips! I am too excited about this milestone and proud of her for actually keeping them in her hair (most of the time).