14 Simple Ways to Celebrate Those You Love

There are countless ways to express love to others, and the most effective methods often depend on the preferences and personalities of both the giver and the recipient. Showing you care doesn’t always equate to grand gestures and spending lots of money. Simple, thoughtful actions can make all the difference. In honor of the month of love and with Valentine’s Day being a few days away, today I’m sharing 14 simple ways to celebrate those you love.

  1. Share things that make you think of them (e.g., funny TikTok videos, favorite candy, podcast episodes, a book you think they’d like).

  2. Mail a letter or card

  3. Venmo money for coffee or send a virtual gift card

  4. Volunteer to babysit their kids for a night

  5. Send thoughtful messages (e.g., text, email, phone call)

  6. Reach out if you think of them

  7. Learn their love language

  8. Support their dreams

  9. Practice active listening

  10. Remember important milestones and dates (good and bad)

  11. Find ways to relate if you’re both in different life stages

  12. Make the first move (as in, take the initiative to schedule the lunch date, girls’ night, etc.)

  13. Speak positively about them

  14. Express appreciation for them