10 Things On My January Reset Checklist

January gets a bad rep, and I get it.

It’s kind of depressing once all the Christmas decorations come down.

It’s cold.

It’s dark.

There isn’t much happening, usually. Your schedule feels empty compared to the busyness of December and the holiday season.

Usually January feels like a hundred days long, but I’ve come to love January for what it is. There’s a certain “clean slate” of a new month, a new year, and a somewhat-free schedule.

Unsurprisingly, I love to “reset” in January and prepare for the year ahead. Nothing crazy, of course, but I’ve realized that January is the perfect month to do a lot of the “life admin” tasks that I’ll probably procrastinate longer than I should.

All of those little to-dos that you keep putting off? Do them in January.

All of the “Ah, one day I need to….” tasks: Do them in January.

Nothing says “fresh start” like a reset checklist, am I right? Here are a few of the tasks (10 to be exact) on my reset checklist (feel free to copy them to your list).

  1. Schedule medical appointments and checkups (dentist, eye doctor, yearly physical).

  2. Add important dates and birthdays to your planner.

  3. Start compiling documents for tax season.

  4. Make a list of all the books you want to read this year.

  5. Declutter your wardrobe and donate.

  6. Declutter and organize that drawer, closet, or room that you’ve been procrastinating. (For me, it’s my desk drawers).

  7. Unsubscribe from unwanted emails and subscriptions.

  8. Clean out your fridge, freezer, pantry, etc.

  9. Make a list of house projects you want to complete throughout the year.

  10. Define your yearly goals (e.g., finance, physical, personal, career).