Coffee Shop Musings


It has officially been spring for a month now but the weather has not received the memo. We had a nor’easter here on the First Day of Spring with over 9 inches of snow.

Oh the irony.

I cannot wait for spring temps so I can wear my heels and sandals, drink iced coffee, walk out of the house without a sweater or jacket, and drive with the windows down.

While I anxiously await the days of warmer weather and mornings sans-ice, I continue my search for new cafes and coffee shops. It honestly is one of my favorite things to do when it’s cold outside. If a friend wants to meet for coffee, we try to find a place we have not visited before. If I can’t explore outside, I can certainly explore in a caffeinated sort of way!

This weekend, Luke and I stopped by a coffee shop before heading to a friend’s birthday dinner. As soon as I stepped inside, I was in love. It had rustic charm with an array of frames on the walls. Chandeliers hung from the ceilings and the tables, chairs and couches were mismatched. It definitely rocked a Friends-esque vibe.

Although I love my Starbucks and Dunkin drinks, there is something special about little coffee places that are not part of a franchise. It somehow makes the visit feel extra down-to-earth and cozy. If (when) I go back, I will order a hot mocha latte (it looked delicious), but I will say their iced chai is 10/10!