Posts tagged coffee
12 Simple Life Hacks That Just Make Sense

Sharing 12 simple life hacks I’ve integrated into my life that just make sense.

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My Organization System

How do I stay organized? I’m breaking down the system that keeps me productive and sane to hopefully help you organize your life, too.

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The One Where I Go to The Friends Experience

Luke and I went to NYC to the Friends The Experience and I was happier than Monica cleaning her apartment or Ross talking about paleontology.

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My Top 10 Productivity Hacks

I’m sharing my top 10 productivity hacks because I’m not a productivity machine, but these hacks definitely help me get back on track.

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Monthly Roundup: December Favorites

Although December was a month of ups and downs, there is always things to be thankful for. Here are a few of my December favorites.

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A Barista's Guide on What to Order at Starbucks

If you’re looking for ideas on what to order at Starbucks, look no further. Natalie (my favorite barista) is here to help!

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Monthly Roundup: October Favorites

This month there is much to be thankful for and it was hard to narrow down what should be highlighted in my monthly roundup! Here are a few of my October favorites.

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Monthly Roundup: July Favorites

July flew by, but there were some really awesome things that happened so let’s dive in, shall we?

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My Morning Routine (And How To Create One For Yourself)

When I started thinking about how I could maximize my mornings, I was sold. Why not wake up a bit earlier to have some time to myself before the rest of the day comes in full force?

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