Monthly Roundup: July Favorites

Um hi.

Since when is it the LAST DAY OF JULY?

Half of me thinks we’re still in April. The other half of me thinks we’re already in September. And absolutely no part of me understands how August starts tomorrow.

Although I’m in absolute DENIAL that summer is pretty much over, I can’t even lie.

I love fall.

And fall is like, really close. And then comes Christmas and New Year’s and suddenly, BOOM. We’re in 2021, hallelujah.

But alas, I digress. July flew by, but there were some really awesome things that happened so let’s dive in, shall we?

{ONE} Hamilton

Need I go on? HAMILTON CAME TO DISNEY+ and made my entire YEAR. Yes, I sat there in total awe. Yes, I watched it multiple times. And no, you can never get sick of the Hamilton soundtrack either. In fact, it mayyy be a goal of mine now to memorize Lafayette’s rap in Guns and Ships. Stay tuned.

{TWO} Beach Days

One of the perks of my job is that we have Fridays off in the summer. I know. It’s amazing. For the first couple of weeks, it rained every single Friday so I used those days to relax with Lucy, read, organize, and do things around the house. But lately, Fridays have been beautiful so we’ve gone to the beach a few times and it’s been delightful. I love sitting on the beach with a good book getting my tan on. It’s the epitome of summer.


{THREE} Running

Right before quarantine, I started running again. And then literally 4 days into it, COVID happened and I stopped. I’ve done other kinds of workouts, but this month I decided to get back into running. I’m not the fastest but I can say after running 3-4x/week for a month, I’m starting to notice improvement and it’s encouraging!

{FOUR} Bloom Desk Calendar

I recently purchased Bloom Planners’ Desk + Wall Calendar to track work projects, to-dos, and events. I wanted to keep them separate from my Vision Planner and thought a month-at-a-glance view would be perfect. It’s been great to keep an eye on what’s coming up, plus it’s cute and adds to my desk decor!

Here’s a code for 10% off a Bloom product if you’re interested :)


{FIVE} Lucy

Let’s be honest, Lucy is always a favorite but this month she deserves a special shoutout. Lucy (my cute shih-poo puppy) had surgery this month and was a real trooper wearing a neck pillow/cone for two weeks. She didn’t like it one bit and was very happy to get it off. Also, here’s a cute snap of her sleeping. <3

{SIX} Taylor Swift’s Folklore album

I’m not the biggest Taylor Swift fan, but when she announced she was dropping an album called Folklore, I was intrigued. And then it dropped and I was captivated. And now, fast forward one week, I am hooked. It’s calming and unlike her other albums. I know there are mixed feelings about it, but I’m totally here for it. It’s honestly great background music when I’m working; not too distracting and just calming enough to keep me focused and productive.