Monthly Roundup: October Favorites


Happy Friday! Another week and we’re already 8 days into November. Crazy!

October seems so far away now. As soon as Halloween ended, I went right into “holiday mode.” I haven’t convinced Luke to decorate the tree (yet) but I’m slowing listening to Christmas music and brainstorming gift ideas for those on my list. I even purchased my first Starbucks Peppermint Mocha of the season yesterday. What can I say? I LOVE the holidays.

Before we go all holiday crazy, though, here are a few of my favorite things from October.

Paulina’s Baby Shower

This month I had the honor to help plan my sister-in-law’s baby shower! She’s due in just a few weeks and I couldn’t be more excited to meet my new (and first) niece! The theme was purple and books, and instead of a card, each guest brought a book to add to Baby Girl’s bookshelf. Here’s a snap of me and the mom-to-be. She’s already the best mom ever.

Gals on the Go podcast

I’ve been really into podcasts and audiobooks lately. This month one of my go-to podcasts, Gals on the Go, upped their posting cadence and now have two podcast episodes a week (Monday and Wednesday). It made this content-obsessed gal extremely happy because I love listening to lighthearted podcasts when getting ready for the day or doing light tasks at work.

Bookshelf Update

I’ve been in a book rut lately but this month I managed to finish two more books, That Churchill Woman and The Paris Seamstress. I don’t strongly recommend either one but I am thankful I finished both stories. They’re both historical fiction, which is typically my favorite genre, but these two didn’t thrill me. I rated each 3 out of 5 stars. You can check out my 2019 bookshelf here.

Leopard Shoes

I’m obsessed with leopard lately. I think I might write a whole blog post on why you need leopard in your wardrobe. I purchased these adorable flats from Target for less than $30 and 1) they’re AMAZINGLY comfortable and 2) they go with everything! Highly recommend.

My NEW 101 in 1,001 Days Challenge

I sound like a broken record, but I absolutely love the “101 in 1,001 Days” challenge. In October, I started my new list and I’ve already had the opportunity to check a few items off the list. If you haven’t seen it, you can check it out here. If you decide to start your own, let me know so I can add your link to the page!

Our Wedding Anniversary

Luke and I celebrated our one-year wedding anniversary in October (yay!). If you haven’t checked it out already, head on over and read my latest post, “What They Don’t Tell You About the First Year of Marriage.”

Anniversary NYC Trip

We celebrated our anniversary by going to New York City for the day. It was our “paper anniversary” so we saw Mean Girls on Broadway and grabbed lunch at Ellen’s Stardust Diner. If you haven’t visited Stardust, I highly recommend it. The waitstaff sings Broadway hits and the food is incredible, especially the fries. Yum!