101 in 1,001 Update: The Results

I truly don’t know where to begin.

It’s been a wild and crazy couple of months. Should I start with September favorites or recap Q3? Should I tell you how the 101 in 1,001 Days Challenge went since the last time I checked in?

How about all of the above?

Let’s start with the 101 in 1,001 Days Challenge. A few weeks ago, I shared that I wanted to try to complete a few of the items that were attainable since the challenge ended September 29.

Here’s how that went:

Get 15K steps a day for a week. Did not complete. My goodness, that was hard. Truly, truly hard. I DID reach 15K steps 2 of the days, but life and my schedule had unpredicted plans that made spending 2 hours at the gym each night impossible. I think I’ll stick to trying to get 10K for a week first!

Go a week without checking personal social media accounts. Achieved! This was also difficult but proved to be a worthwhile challenge. Learn more about my experience here.

Frame both of my degrees. Haha nope. Didn’t do this. Whoops!

Create a Bored Jar. I didn’t do this either, BUT I did pin a bunch of DIY projects and found a bunch of books I want to read. Does that count?

Try making 10+ recipes I’ve pinned on Pinterest. Success!

Say “yes” to everything for a day. The day I chose to do this was sort of an accident. Nothing crazy happened and every decision that required a “yes” or “no” was an easy “yes.” For example, a friend asked if I wanted to get coffee and DUH, that was a yes. Luke asked if i wanted ice cream for dessert, and YES I (always) do.

Stay tuned for tomorrow and Friday for September favorites and the Q3 Update! Yep, 3 blog posts this week. Who am I?!