Monthly Roundup: March Favorites


This has been a very odd month. Life as we know it changed pretty much overnight. One day Luke and I were heading to our offices and going to the gym after work. The next, we are working from home in quarantine, unable to go anywhere because mostly everything is closed.

Nevertheless, March has always been one of my favorite months. It’s my birthday month and when spring starts to creep in. The drab of winter begins to disappear as pastel colors and bright flowers pop in its place. I frequently talk about choosing joy throughout my blog posts. This month is no different. There are a lot of things to be thankful for, even when it’s a confusing and stressful time. Always choose joy and never stop choosing it.

With that said, here are a few of my March favorites.

Night With the Pros

Pre-Quarantine, I was asked to return to my alma mater and speak at a PRSSA-UD event called Night With the Pros. When I was a student and on the PRSSA executive board, one of my main responsibilities was to plan the Night With the Pros networking event, an event where PR and communications professionals give advice and network with students. It was surreal being on the other end of it this year! I’m thankful for the opportunity to connect with students because I know how much it meant to me when I was in their shoes.


Before quarantine began, I had a hair appointment scheduled to get a cut and balayage. I’m back to blonde! I try to go darker and red in the fall and light and blonde in the spring. The timing was a bit ironic since I thought I’d be out and about this spring, but it’s still nice having a fresh ‘do even though we’re housebound.


We are in quarantine. Everything is shut down except for essential businesses and I am working from home until the middle of May. It’s a blessing and a curse being stuck in the house. The gym is closed so I’ve been trying to get some movement in when I can. We have more time to hang out, read, clean, eat meals togethers, etc. We’re adjusting and so far, it’s been a pretty smooth ride.

WFH Routine

With quarantine in place until at least the middle of May, that means I am working from home until it’s lifted. Which means, establishing a routine is now more important than ever. I’ll probably write a blog post dedicated to adjusting to a new routine, but one of the main things I’ve tried to continue doing is to wake up, get coffee, have my devotions, and change my clothes. It’s so easy to stay in pajamas all day when you’re working from home and quarantined, but I’ve quickly learned that I’m not nearly as productive than when I actually get dressed.


We got a puppy! Getting her was a bit of a spontaneous decision (we decided to get her the night before), but one of the best decisions we could’ve made. This is the perfect time to train a puppy since we’re both home for long stretches of time. Learn more about Lady Lucy here and follow her on Instagram!