Birthday Reflections and 28 Little Joys


Yesterday was my 28th birthday. I don’t know if you knew this but I’m a big birthday person. I love celebrating birthdays and not just because I love cake. (I do love cake, though.)

Yesterday also marked one full year of being that crazy dog mom to the world’s cutest shih-poo puppy, Lady Lucy. I can’t believe it’s been a full year since I introduced you to the little fluff ball! You can reminisce on that day and see baby Lucy in this post: Meet Lucy.

This past year was definitely an odd one. My entire 27th year was spent in quarantine/social-distancing. When we began the COVID journey on March 16, I had no idea I would still be working from home one year later. Yet, here we are.

Although there are things I wish could have been different (who doesn’t?), I really am extremely thankful for it all. I see you rolling your eyes but I promise I’ll stop being nostalgic and mushy-gushy in a second (or will I?).

This year has been a whirlwind, to say the least. However, I am really, truly grateful for it. It was not all great, but it was all part of God’s perfect plan regardless if I understand it or not.

In honor of my 28th birthday, here are 28 joys (big and small) that have happened since March 18, 2020 (in no particular order).

  1. Luke and I welcomed Lucy to the fam

  2. We bought our house!

  3. Working from home

  4. God provided Luke a new job in His perfect timing.

  5. God is doing amazing things in and through our church.

  6. Jeremy and Alice (my brother and sister-in-law) moved into the neighborhood. (Yay!)

  7. We painted our front door blue. (Yes, this is a highlight of the year.)

  8. Luke built a pergola

  9. Bible studies with some amazing women in my church

  10. I made a lot of banana bread (remember that phase of quarantine? Good times.)

  11. Celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary (time really flies)

  12. Mom and I became obsessed with Hamilton (and yes, we realize we’re years behind so no judging).

  13. Running consistently again

  14. Exploring different genres instead of sticking to reading just historical fiction and mystery

  15. The bookstagram community

  16. My home office revamp! You’ve seen sneak peeks here and there so I promise you’ll get to see the full thing soon.

  17. I started grad school!

  18. Playing piano for my church’s worship team

  19. Family walks around the neighborhood

  20. My pink Keurig

  21. Blogmas!

  22. Zoom hangouts, especially in early quarantine when Zoom was still fun and exciting

  23. Sweet Cream Cold Brew with caramel drizzle from Starbucks (seriously so good)

  24. Summer Fridays

  25. My FitBit

  26. My glasses (game changer when staring at a screen all day, who knew?!)

  27. The opportunity to slow down and focus on the present moment

  28. My Coffee with Keri blog fam (that means you!!)

Thanks for helping make this past year a memorable one. Here’s to another trip around the sun!