30 Before 30: Mid-Year Update

I turned 29 back in March and realized the other day that this week marks the halfway point until I turn 30.

Whoa. Time is flying and March will be here before you know it. I don’t know if I’m mentally ready for it, but I’m getting there.

In typical Keri fashion, I wrote and shared a list of 30 things I wanted to do/complete before I turned 30. Around the same time, I found out I was pregnant, but no one except Luke and myself knew that at the time. I knew this year would be memorable for many reasons and wanted to include some “splurge” items just in case I had the time and/or energy to do them before Baby arrives in December.

I thought it’d be fun to do a quick mid-year update to see how I’m coming on this list. Ironically, and not at all intentionally, I’ve completed 15 out of 30 things so far! Not bad for a mid-year update, I think. Learn more about what’s been completed and the items still outstanding below.

30 Before 30 List (15/30 Completed!)

  1. Find a dermatologist. // I haven’t been able to find one covered by my insurance, so the search continues.

  2. Master cooking at least 5-10 meals. // I’ve never claimed to be an amazing chef by any means but there are a few meals I’ve definitely mastered. I’ll keep this one “open” until I master a few more before checking it off.

  3. Read at least 3-5 classics. // I’ve read The Screwtape Letters, but hope to read at least 2 more classics this fall.

  4. Frame my college degree. // Complete!

  5. Run a 5K. // This one may have to wait since I’m currently 6 months pregnant and running is more like waddling these days 😅

  6. Meet with a nutritionist. // I haven’t had an official meeting with a nutritionist, but I’ve definitely been talking to my doctors and becoming more conscious about what to eat to fuel my body for me and Baby.

  7. Find a primary care doctor. // Complete!

  8. Make steps toward the backyard project. // I’ll say this is Complete! We planted some new flowers and herbs this spring, which helped give our backyard a more vibrant touch.

  9. Complete a social media-free week. // This has not happened (I’m a bit nervous to do it), but I did complete a social media-free weekend, which was refreshing (and challenging!).

  10. Go on vacation. // Complete!

  11. Send at least 12 snail-mail letters (at least one per month). // I’ve sent at least 6, so halfway there!

  12. Make an appointment with a makeup artist for tips and tricks. // We’ll see if I’ll get to this one. With the pregnancy, my priorities have definitely shifted so perfecting a makeup look isn’t as important to me these days.

  13. Learn more about the stock market, investments, etc. // This is an ongoing task, but I will say I’ve definitely been reading more about this since March.

  14. Complete a few home projects on our list. // Complete! There are a few more to go, but we did get to a few of them this summer.

  15. Surprise someone with a gift. // Complete!

  16. Organize our photos and albums. // Complete!

  17. Order a wedding album. // I didn’t order one yet, but when organizing our photos and albums, I realized I had printed more than I thought, so I started a wedding album with what I had.

  18. Declutter and organize at least 3-5 places in our home. // Complete! Those places included the guest room, my office, my closet, our bathroom closet, bookshelves, and the coffee mug cabinet.

  19. Get up at 6:30 a.m. for a week. // I have a feeling this will happen in the winter 😉

  20. Establish a good skincare routine. // Complete!

  21. Create a new 101 in 1,001 Days list. // Complete! View it here.

  22. Read at least 50 books. // I’ve read 40 books so far this year, so we’re well on our way to checking this off soon. View my 2022 Bookshelf here.

  23. Increase my 401k contributions. // Complete!

  24. Book a photo shoot. // I’m planning to book one once Baby is born, so stay tuned for that. 😊

  25. Read a book in one sitting (or one day, whichever works). // Not yet, but hopefully before December!

  26. Throw a party (it doesn’t matter the occasion, for whom, etc.). // Complete! We hosted a Gender Reveal/July 4th BBQ for our family.

  27. See a beach sunrise or sunset (or both!) // Complete! Zach and I continued our annual sunrise and Dunkin tradition at the beach this summer.

  28. Go to a baseball game. // Complete! I talked more about it here.

  29. Learn at least 5-10 new songs on the piano. // Complete!

  30. Decide how to celebrate my 30th birthday. // I still have some time, so this will be a goal for the next 6 months!