5 Things Saving My Life Right Now

I listen to the podcast The Lazy Genius, which is hosted by Kendra Adachi. Her whole motto is “Be a genius about the things that matter, and lazy about the things that don’t.” So good.

Every once in a while, she releases an episode called “Things Saving My Life Right Now” where she lists a bunch of random things saving her life in that moment.

So today, I’m going to do just that. Because it’s mid-October, the craziness of fall has settled in, and there are 5 things in particular that have been saving my life right now. Let’s dive in.

{ONE} Sydney Cummings Workouts on YouTube

Lately I’ve been prioritizing my health, because a) it’s important always; b) my body has gone through a lot this year with Graves’ disease, postpartum and a thyroidectomy; and c) because I need my sanity back. Desperately. Luke’s work schedule ramps up a lot in the fall, which means I don’t have as much flexibility to head to the gym since I’m solo with Vi in the mornings and at night. I’ve been going to good ol’ YouTube for workouts and man. oh man. have I had some good ones! Specifically, Sydney Cummings. Her workouts kick my butt in the best way and can easily be done from home and with little/no equipment.

{TWO} My Stanley Cup

To be honest, I’m hit or miss when it comes to drinking enough water every day. Please tell me I’m not alone. Some days I can’t get enough while other days, I’m struggling to finish a 10 oz. glass of H2O. My Stanley has been helping me drink more water and has been basically my third arm for the past few weeks as I constantly sip water throughout the day.

{THREE} My Current Nighttime Routine

It feels odd to say my nighttime routine is a highlight of my day, but it is. I look forward to unwinding, relaxing and unplugging. Luke and I have been putting our phones in a drawer so we’re not tempted to aimlessly scroll. We eat dinner, I do a YouTube workout or go to the gym, and tidy around the house. At some point, I will read for 30-60 minutes (depending on how tired I am, let’s be honest), usually in my pajamas and under a blanket. It’s cozy, relaxing and a great way to settle in for the night.

{FOUR} Cozy Meals for Easy Leftovers

I despise lunch. Something about it, I can’t stand it. Usually I’m rushing to grab food in between meetings and I don’t have the time, energy or mental capacity to get creative. Enter: cozy crockpot meals. I made chicken pot pie in the crockpot the other day and boom! I had leftovers for days and it was amazing. Grabbing some for lunch was a breeze and I realized that I might not be a lunch person, but I definitely am a leftovers person, and it saved my life big time this week.

{FIVE} Amazon Prime

Amazon Prime always saves my life, but it has been really saving my life lately. It’s easy (sometimes too easy) to quickly find what I’m looking for and with a tap, have it ordered and coming to my house within 24 hours. A few things I’ve ordered lately including (part of) Vienna’s Halloween costume, new ballet flats because mine were literally falling apart, and this adorable Touch and Feel fall book for Vienna.