Monthly Roundup: May Favorites

May was a difficult month, I’m not going to lie. It was tough physically, mentally, and emotionally. Maybe I’ll go into details and share more eventually, but I’m honestly pretty happy that May is OVER. Hello, June!

{ONE} First Mother’s Day

This month, I celebrated my first Mother’s Day! Luke worked a lot of overtime, weekends, and nights this month, but he had the day off for Mother’s Day, which was great. We grabbed coffee and donuts on the way to church, and Luke made one of my favorite meals (shrimp fra diavolo) for lunch. It was a relaxing day spending time as a family of 3 and enjoying the beautiful weather.

{TWO} Warm Weather and Longer Days

We’ve had some beautiful days this month, and it makes me SO excited for summer! I shared My Summer 2023 Bucket List last week, and it was inspired by the incredible weather we’ve been having lately. We purchased a baby pool and a bathing suit for Vienna, so I’m excited to watch her splash around and enjoy the sun. In the evenings, I’ve been loving reading on our back patio at golden hour. It is a pocket of peace and gives me a second to breathe and relax.

{THREE} Vienna Milestones

Vienna turned FIVE months old this month!! How?! I do not know. She has started eating solids/purees, rolling, and grabbing her toes. She loves being on her stomach (after months of hating it), reading with me, and chewing her crinkly stuffed zebra from Grammy (Luke’s mom). She makes the funniest noises trying to laugh and is such a happy baby (most of the time). I love her little slobbery grin and hearing her shriek with delight. Vienna has been going through a few health things and is a rockstar at every appointment.

{FOUR} Books I Read in May

I’m not going to do a separate Books blog post because I only read two books this month: Happy Place by Emily Henry (3.5/5 stars) and Here Goes Nothing by Eamon McGrath (1/5 stars). I fell into a book slump this month but started reading Pineapple Street by Jenny Jackson this week and am already LOVING it, so there is hope. Happy Place was a typical lighthearted romance with the friends-to-lovers and second-chances tropes. It reminded me of the Ross and Rachel plot line in Friends, but it took a while to get into it. Here Goes Nothing was horrible (in my opinion) and I only finished it because it was a 2.5 hour audiobook. It is about what “really” happens on a rock band tour bus, and your stereotypical guesses are exactly what this book was about. I wasn’t into it, but by the time I realized it wasn’t for me, I was 50% of the way through and decided to just finish it. Here’s to June books being better!