Embracing Motherhood: 6 Lessons Learned in the First 6 Months

June: Officially halfway through 2023.

In two weeks, my baby girl will be 6 months old, and when I tell you that this year is flying by, I mean that it is FLYING by.

This little person has taught me so much in these (almost) six months of hanging out together, so today I thought I’d share six lessons I’ve learned along the way.

{ONE} Adaptability

One of my favorite scenes in Friends is when Ross, Chandler and Rachel are trying to move a couch up a flight of stairs. “PIVOT! PIVOT! PIVOTTTT!” Ross keeps saying again and again. Finally, Chandler says, “SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UPPPP.” This scene accurately represents what it’s like to have a baby. You are constantly adapting, pivoting and trying your best to keep up and find solutions, and every once in a while, you want the pivots to just STOP for a second. You want a second to not have to pivot and be flexible; you want Plan A to be the only plan.

My girl went through a phase a couple months ago where any change made her upset. If someone held her and it wasn’t me, she cried. If it was too loud, she cried. If [fill in the blank], she cried. She grew out of it, but it was the first time she really had to learn to adapt to her surroundings. And, I’ve definitely learning to adapt, breathe, pivot and reset. Sometimes (most times), Plan A doesn’t work, and I have to pivot to Plan B, C, D and so on. As a Type A person, this can be difficult, but having a baby has definitely strengthened this skill for me.

{TWO} Patience and empathy

Caring for a 6-month-old requires patience and empathy. She communicates her needs and emotions in her own unique ways, and it's up to me to understand and respond with love and care. When she is in pain (like getting a shot at the doctor’s), I tear up. When she finds something funny, it makes me smile too. She has been teaching me to be a patient listener and to cultivate empathy in my relationships. (Also, when she spits up 15x a day, that also has been teaching me a lot of patience.)

{THREE} Embracing simplicity

She finds joy in the simplest things: a stuffed zebra, Dory’s Reef Cam on Disney+, playful interactions like peek-a-boo, eating sweet potatoes, splashing in the tub, laying on a blanket outside. She reminds me to find happiness in the small pleasures of everyday life and let go of unnecessary complexities.

{FOUR} Being fully present

Similarly, she reminds me every day to be fully present. One of my words for 2023 was “Present.” I never want to waste the day away being distracted. The need to scroll social media disappears when I’m in “mom mode.” I love feeding her and taking those moments to just be. Every day, I’m learning more and more the importance of being fully present and engaged. My girl reminds me to put away distractions and focus on the here and now, cherishing the moments we have together because the days pass by so quickly.

{FIVE} Persistence and resilience

My girl is already a determined little one. She’s meeting milestones at every turn: rolling over, sitting up, eating solids, etc. She demonstrates persistence and resilience as she keeps trying, even if she faces setbacks or challenges. She reminds me of the power of perseverance in achieving goals, and how much we can accomplish together when we don’t let obstacles set us back.

{SIX} Unconditional love

Fun fact: I cannot listen to the Tarzan soundtrack without crying. “You’ll Be In My Heart” is on the “Do not play when Mom is around” list because it instantly makes me tear up. My girl is growing up before my eyes and the love I have for her is indescribable. Tonight, I was rocking her to sleep and as she drifted off, I just stared at her. I don’t think she’ll ever understand how much I love her.