What's In My Purse? 10 Things I Always Carry With Me

Maybe I’m nosy, but I love knowing what people always carry with them.

Their favorite gum? A book? Do they never leave their house without a beverage?

Today I’m answering your burning question (haha): What does Keri always carry with her?! (I know you’re just dying to know.)

Note: I never leave the house without my water bottle and/or an iced beverage. I didn’t include it because it’s not technically “in” my diaper bag or purse, but that’s also something I always have with me.

Also, the purse I typically reach for is my Kate Spade Mulberry Street Lise Satchel. I received it for Christmas a few years ago, and I love how I can use it all year ‘round.

Here are 10 things I always have with me in my purse or diaper bag.

{ONE} Wallet

Let’s start with the obvious one: My wallet. Depending on the day, I’m either using a super small one or my larger wallet that acts as a wristlet if needed. Usually, it’s the super small one because it’s easily tossed in the diaper bag. In this wallet, I carry insurance cards, ID, a few bucks, gift cards, and…

{TWO} A quarter

AKA, my Aldi quarter. One time I randomly stopped at Aldi to pick up a few groceries and realized I didn’t have a quarter in my car for the cart. Needless to say, I always carry a quarter in case I need to randomly stop at Aldi. (What an adult thing to say!)

{THREE} Sunglasses

More often than not, I leave my sunglasses in the car instead of in the diaper bag/purse so I don’t forget them. I’m not a fancy sunglasses-type person, so if they break or get lost, it’s okay. I’ve had the same few pairs of sunglasses for at least 3 years. They were each $5 at Forever 21 and do the job just fine.

{FOUR} Gum

Luke and my brothers know that I always try to carry gum with me. 1) I drink coffee all the time, so it’s helpful, and 2) my brothers and/or Luke seem to ask me for gum every Sunday during church.

{FIVE} A snack

Entering my Mom era, I started bringing a snack with me everywhere I went. Right now, I carry a small Ziploc bag full of mini pretzels because I am obsessed and cannot get enough of them. It also helps me satisfy cravings or avoid getting “hangry” so I don’t impulsively purchase food when I’m out running errands.

{SIX} Hair ties

Just in case I need to throw up my hair in a ponytail. You never know.

{SEVEN} Chapstick

Especially in the wintertime, chapstick is a must.

{SEVEN} Mini notebook and a pen

I’ve always been a paper and pen gal. I always have my phone, but sometimes I like to write a list or notes the ol’ fashioned way.

{EIGHT} AirPods

Love my AirPods and typically keep them with me wherever I go in case I want to take a call and keep my hands free.

{NINE} Hairbrush

My hair randomly gets staticky or knotty, so keeping a mini hairbrush comes in clutch more often than you’d think.

{TEN} Pepper spray

This is technically on my keys, but it’s nice to know I have it just in case, especially if I’m alone at night or walking through parking lots, garages, etc.