Monthly Roundup: September Favorites

We’ve made it to the ‘ber’ months! It has finally started to feel like fall, and it makes me feel all the cozy vibes. (In case you’ve missed it, I shared My Fall 2023 Bucket List and my 2023 Fall Reading Guide this month.)

It has also been grey and rainy this whole week, which has added to the coziness. (Trying to stay positive here, because I miss the sun!). Nevertheless, this month has been a memorable one with lots of highlights. Here are a few favorites from September:

{ONE} Organizing Vienna’s Clothes

It may seem odd to have this as a favorite, but I spent a few hours last week organizing all of Vienna’s clothes and it really helped me feel mentally better heading into a new season. I’m so thankful we were gifted so many clothes for her; from 0-3 month to 2T, this girl has a full wardrobe of cute outfits. Spending time sorting through her stuff also helped refresh my memory of what clothes she has that I’d stored away and what “gaps” I need to fill before we head into the cold weather months. It was well worth the time it took to sift through the bins!

{TWO} Zach and Jenna’s Wedding

My brother Zach got married this month!! It was such a beautiful day celebrating him and Jenna. I was a bridesmaid, Luke was a groomsman, and Vienna was the cutest flower girl ever (I’m biased, but still). It was a memorable day celebrating the new Mr. and Mrs. and literally the most perfect fall weather you could want for a September wedding. So happy for my brother and my new SISTER!

{THREE} Cherry Park concert

Basically this was a month of being a proud sister because my brother Jeremy and his band Cherry Park had their first gig this month! It was a packed house and sold out the venue. Their album can be found wherever you listen to music. You can listen to Cherry Park’s album, Secret Garden, on Spotify here.

{FOUR} Cozy foods

This weather has me craving all the cozy foods. I’ve been making chili, bruschetta chicken, soups, lattes, and baked goods. It’s been delightful.

{FIVE} Football is back

Fun fact: I love football season. I really do. I’m a Steelers fan but will watch any game that’s on TV. There’s something so “fall” about watching football on a Sunday after church. It just makes sense. So the fact that football is back makes me very happy.

{SIX} Vienna Milestones

Vienna is nine months and all of a sudden, she’s been out in this world just as long as she was in the womb. These nine months went by SO quickly, yet when I look at pictures of her as a newborn, it feels like ages ago. Vienna crawls everywhere and doesn’t like to sit still. Her teeth are popping in left and right, so she has 8 teeth and her smile just keeps getting cuter. Her favorite things to do are: happily squeal and scream at the top of her lungs, laugh, smile, talk all the time, chew everything in sight, and use anything within reach to try to stand. She is obsessed with puffs and knows “more,” “mama,” “baba” (bottle), and “more pa,” which I’m pretty sure means “more puffs” because she asks for them all day long.