10+ Things On My Mind This Week

This week we’re bringing back 10+ Things On My Mind. November was the last time I did this and it’s a fun way to “word vomit” my thoughts of the moment with you. Let’s go!

Bright nail polish. Summer is here and I’ve been gravitating towards bright nail polishes instead of dark and moody tones. It fits the light and fun vibe of summer and also makes me look tanner, so that’s a win. My favorite is a bright fun pink from Essie.

Walking pad. Hiliariously enough, my November 10+ things mentioned a walking pad, too. I received one for Christmas and it has been used more than one might think. I don’t typically hop on during the workday, although technically that is probably a great way to use it. I don’t have a standing desk, though, so the logistics are a bit tricky. I use it mostly in the evenings to get my steps in, especially if the weather isn’t great for an outdoor walk. I’ll pop on an audiobook, podcast, or YouTube video and time flies by. It’s great! I can’t recommend it enough.

Iced coffee. My afternoon iced coffee is a fun treat I look forward to all day long. Unsweetened black Stok iced coffee is my go-to with a little bit of creamer. It’s smooth, bold, and delicious.

Style/wardrobe rut + refresh. I’ve been in a style/wardrobe rut and am desperately trying to get out of it! I feel like I’ve lost my personal style over the years and tend to gravitate towards neutrals because it’s my comfort zone. I’m trying to re-learn what looks good on me and have found a few pieces I feel pretty in.

Bad On Paper podcast. I’ve been listening to Bad On Paper for a year or so now and enjoy the content. One of the co-hosts Olivia Muenter just published a thriller called Such A Bad Influence, about a social media influencer who goes missing during a livestream. I pre-ordered it and can’t wait to read it soon.

Lisa Jewell. I’ve been on a Lisa Jewell kick lately — she writes the best thrillers! I finished The Family Upstairs and am currently reading its sequel: The Family Remains. She also wrote Then She Was Gone and None Of This Is True, which are two thriller novels I highly recommend.

We’re debt free! This is an exciting one that I haven’t shared here yet — we are officially debt free!! We paid off our mortgage this month (!) after four years. It feels amazing to finally not have any debt and to officially own the house. Yay!

Outdoor fun. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, Vienna loves being outside. It’s been the base of all our summer fun so far: chalk, water play, bubbles, swings. This girl loves to be outside!

Marshall’s wins. I went to Marshall’s this week — I rarely go but went with my Mom and Vienna — and found a few dresses that fit great and were reasonably priced.

Marco Polo. My friend introduced me to the Marco Polo app and it has been a wonderful resource to stay connected. Here’s a great summary of what Marco Polo is: “Marco Polo is a free mobile app that allows users to send and receive video and text messages, leave voicemails, and connect with others on their own schedule. The app is designed to be family-friendly and similar to Snapchat, and it's marketed as a video walkie-talkie that allows asynchronous conversations.” I love it — I typically watch others’ and record my videos while I clean up dinner and it’s been a productive way to spend that time.

The new Hunger Games novel is coming. A new Hunger Games novel has been announced, arriving March 18, 2025 (my birthday!) with a movie set to release in November 2026. To say I am PUMPED is an understatement. It will detail Haymitch’s Hunger Games experience and it is the back story/prequel I have been waiting for since the Hunger Games trilogy came out years ago. YAY.