Who Cares? Plus, 24 Favorites From 2024
It has been almost two months since I’ve written a blog post.
I didn’t mean to take a break, but I’m kind of glad I did.
I didn’t realize that I was feeling burnt out and full of comparison, but I was. I felt depleted of creativity and was definitely in my head about what to write about. Who cares? was the first thought any time I opened a new blog post. Who wants to read this? And I would exit out of my blog and somehow another week of not writing here would go by.
In this accidental break-turned-ghosting-you, I realized the answers to these two questions. Others may (or may not) care, but I do. And who wants to read this? If anything, I do. I want to read it. Future Keri goes back and reminisces on what Past Keri was thinking, feeling, and doing.
I recently re-read some of my blog posts from early motherhood; when Vienna was a baby and I was trying to figure out this whole work-life-mom-wife-friend-sister-etc. balancing act. It still is a balancing act, but these blog posts tend to be a little bit of a time capsule. Who cares? I do. Who wants to read this? At least I have an audience of 1: me. Hahaha.
Sometimes writing feels like I’m writing into the abyss. Is anyone actually reading the words I type? And here’s the coolest part of this: They may, or they may not, but I still want to write anyways.
In this little bit of a break, I’ve realized that at the end of the day, this blog started as, and continues to be, my creative outlet. In the moments where life is chaotic and I approach a blank page with absolutely no motivation or spark, I sometimes find this “pressure” to write a good blog post. Why? I don’t know. It’s in my nature to want to do things well, and if I feel like I’m not going to do it well… Well, I end up not wanting to do it at all. (Can you tell I’m an Enneagram 1?)
This blog post was not supposed to turn into a self-reflection of why I didn’t write for two months, but here we are. I had ideas out the wazoo on what I wanted to share during the Christmas season on this blog, but I think it worked out just fine without my public input. It was an accidental break that helped me to focus on life outside of this screen: finding joy, creating moments, and enjoying the season.
Okay, so what’s the point of this? It was going to be me sharing some top moments and highlights of 2024. I guess it still will be that, but I can’t just “jump back on here” and pretend I’ve been consistent this whole time. That would be weird. So, for those of you who wondered why I was gone (did you notice?), there you have it. I didn’t mean to leave, but I did, and I’m coming back with more creative freedom to post, even if it’s not amazing (sorry in advance).
Here are a few favorites and highlights from 2024.
God - He is faithful and I’m so thankful.
Luke (always and forever).
Watching Vienna become such a fun little person and getting to know her better every day.
Our trips to Ocean City, Maryland and Florida.
Lost (the show that has been over for many years. Yes, I just watched it. Yes, I was obsessed. Sayid was my favorite character.)
We paid off our house and are officially debt free!
My walking pad.
Time outside (in all weather, all year long).
Family and Friends (both my people and the show).
I read 53 books (some weren’t great, but most were 10/10).
I completed the 1-Second Everyday Challenge.
House Guest with Kenzie Elizabeth podcast.
I got a Kindle! (And I love it.)
I joined a book club.
Luke and I attended our first gala together.
We went apple picking for the first time.
Our church. We became members, Vienna was baptized, we got involved in new ministries, and love our community here.
Coffee (of all kinds, even when it’s bad).
Summertime (so many adventures, both big and small).
My team at work (I work with the best people and I’m so thankful).
My Mom (she comes weekly to watch Vienna while I work and brings coffee!)
My childcare providers.
Amazon delivery drivers (I don’t know their names but they come to my house at least once a week and I am very thankful.)
Fantasy Football (my team came in 2nd place and I’m both shocked and proud. District 12, baby!).
“Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures throughout all generations. [The Lord is faithful in all his words and kind in all his works.]”