Introducing my NEW 101 in 1001 Days List: 2019 - 2022


It’s that time again!

A new 101 in 1,001 Days List is LIVE.

If you’ve followed for a bit, you know that I recently finished a 101 in 1,001 Days list about a month ago. You can check out the list here.

I loved challenging myself to complete the tasks, but also learned a lot along the way. Sometimes it isn’t about the task itself, but the experience that comes with it.

So, I decided to create another list and give it a go!

In typical Keri fashion, I broke up the 101 things into categories: Educational/Professional, Organizing My Life, Spiritual, Physical, Personal Lifestyle, Travel, House to Home, and Just for Fun. Breaking it up into categories helped me analyze different aspects of my life and create specific goals related to each section.

Some of the tasks are “easier” to complete but others are tough. Some are out of my control, while some totally are. It’ll be fun to see what happens and don’t worry, I’ll be documenting the journey along the way.

To stay up to date, check out the 101 in 1,001 Days list, which will always be at the top menu of Coffee With Keri.

If you decide to create your own list, let me know and I’ll add it to that page so I can cheer you on, too!

What’s one thing you’d like to complete before 2022?

Here’s to the next 1,001 Days!