6 More Life Lessons My Dog Has Taught Me

The other day I was reading old blog posts and came across this one I wrote last summer: 6 Life Lessons My Dog Has Taught Me.

It got me thinking. Lucy has been a part of our little fam for almost two years now and since writing that blog post last summer, I know Lucy has definitely taught me some more life lessons.

For all you dog moms and dads out there, you know that dogs have unique personalities. As she grows up, Lucy’s personality has developed and she really is the sweetest dog ever (not that I’m biased or anything). She is calming down and chilling out. She still has her spurts of energy, but this pup is the most extraverted-introverted dog I’ve ever met.

Here are six more life lessons Lady Lucy has taught me.

{ONE} Don’t take yourself too seriously.

If you walk by our house at promptly 4:45 p.m. on a weeknight, you will find me running around our yard with Lucy. Sometimes I chase her, sometimes she chases me, sometimes we’re playing fetch. Whatever it is, I’ve grown to embrace that I may look like a fool running around our yard with a dog but I…don’t care. Sometimes you gotta live a little, even if that means chasing your dog around to get some energy out.

{TWO} Make time to get outside every day.

Similarly, Lucy has taught me the importance of getting outside. Especially working from home, it can be easy to stay in the house all day. And frankly, if I didn’t have Lucy, I probably would do just that. But Lucy loves to be outside even when she isn’t out there doing her business. She basks in the sun, sniffs around, and loves to play fetch. It forces me to be out there, too, and I’m thankful for that.

{THREE} Get to know your neighbors.

Dogs make a great icebreaker. Since getting Lucy last March, I have met more neighbors than I did in the first two years of living at our house. Dogs really do make a great icebreaker. Neighbors who used to walk by our house without stopping by to chat now stop to pet Lucy, ask what her name is, and engage in some small talk. Lucy loves when neighbors walk by so she’s usually waiting by our fence for people to walk by and pet her. She’s definitely popular around our neighborhood!

{FOUR} Be present in the moment.

After working all day, my first instinct is to scroll through Instagram or watch a YouTube video to decompress. However, Lucy does not enjoy that one bit. After work, she wants my attention, and who could blame her? Lucy makes it clear when she wants attention and usually will pick a toy or two so we can play together. It’s a great reminder for me to put down my phone and be present in the moment.

{FIVE} Routine is key.

I didn’t know this before having a dog, but dogs love routine. This is truly an incredible thing for someone like me who thrives on routine and order. Lucy and I are two peas in a pod when it comes to this. Dogs love predictability and routine so once our morning and evening routines were established, Lucy calmed down quite a bit. Now we’re in a good rhythm and it helps us both tremendously.

{SIX} Play hard, nap harder.

I included this in my first post but it deserves a second mention. Although Lucy is a pretty energetic pup, she’s a professional napper. Lucy can fall asleep anywhere and loves to find a comfy spot to take a snooze. Her ability to nap hard reminds me that rest is important and necessary. I have a tendency to always go go go, but rest is critical for maintaining your sanity and mental health. Learn from Lucy: Play hard but nap harder!

P.S. Yes, Lady Lucy has her own Instagram. You can follow her @LadyLucyofLancaster.