Third Trimester Recap

We are in the home stretch, my friends! My due date has officially passed (it was 12/15) and we are still not-so-patiently waiting for this little girl to arrive.

This third trimester has been a wild ride, and they’re not kidding when they say that the second trimester is bliss, and then comes the third trimester. It’s been challenging in many ways, but the end is near! Where did the time go?

If you missed them, you can catch up on my first-trimester and second-trimester recaps. Today, I’m sharing everything I’ve experienced in my third trimester (so far) as we eagerly await Baby Girl’s arrival.


This trimester has given me a run for my money. As Baby Girl grows, it has gotten more and more difficult to do simple things like walking up the stairs, laying down, standing for long periods of time, etc. I’m winded by the smallest movements and tired mere hours after waking up in the morning. It feels a lot like the first trimester in many ways.

Although I’m physically uncomfortable, I’m mentally and emotionally ready and excited to meet Baby. It’s crazy to see her grow and grow with every ultrasound and feel her move throughout the day. Her kicks have gotten much stronger, she has gotten a lot heavier, and it still makes me laugh a bit when she gets the hiccups.


Physical symptoms this trimester have included swelling (only a few pairs of shoes fit me right now!), increased heartburn, waddling instead of walking, and waking up every couple of hours during the night. I don’t remember the last time I slept through the night, and I know that it’ll be a while before that happens again.

My energy has also decreased a lot this trimester, which was an adjustment after feeling super energized and motivated during my second trimester. I’ve been learning how to slow down and listen to my body because it’s easy to overdo it if I’m not careful.


Cravings have included raspberry La Croix, MINI PRETZELS, orange juice, cheese sticks, and LOTS of water (I feel like I can’t get enough!) Weird, right? The mini pretzels have been a go-to for me this trimester. They’ve helped with nausea and since I haven’t really craved anything sweet, I’ve been having them as a late-night snack, too. Also, WATER. I feel like I can’t get enough and I’ve been drinking at least 100 ounces a day for months.

My first-trimester aversions also returned this trimester, which means I have barely drunk coffee in months (sad, I know!) and avoid grilled chicken and eggs at all costs. There are also certain vegetables that I usually love to eat that I currently can’t stand, like broccoli and cauliflower.


There are definitely a few things I’ve depended on during this last trimester, compression socks being one of them. The swelling has been a huge adjustment and even though my blood pressure and vitals are completely normal, the swelling gets pretty bad, especially after a day of sitting at a desk. Compression socks help a lot, though.

I mentioned this in my Second Trimester Recap, but Alka Seltzer gummies have been another staple in my diet and overall pregnancy essentials list. Heartburn has been a major symptom, and these gummies have been doing wonders to help ease the discomfort, especially at night.

I mentioned this in my cravings, but I’d definitely consider mini pretzels an essential this trimester. I don’t leave the house without a bag of pretzels and a La Croix, and let me tell you, they’ve come in handy numerous times.

Similarly, my water bottle does not leave my side. I need to invest in a bigger one eventually, but my water bottle has been a life saver during these last weeks of pregnancy. I am always thirsty and can’t seem to get enough water, especially in the middle of the night.


There are a few baby milestones and moments that stick out about the third trimester. The first is the Coffee With Keri-themed baby shower my mom, sisters-in-law, and friends threw me in October. It was beyond beautiful and they thought of all the details to make it a special day. It was a great day surrounded by friends and family that I will definitely never forget. Check out a recap of the baby shower on Instagram here.

The second highlight of this trimester was definitely getting the nursery ready. It was such a fun process dreaming about, and finding pieces for, our little girl’s room. It came together slowly and a lot of the elements have a story behind them. I wrote a whole blog post about the nursery and how it came together, so if you’re interested, check out Baby Girl’s Nursery Reveal for details.

This isn’t a specific moment, but another “theme” of this trimester has been nesting. I fully admit that I’m Type A and love to be organized at all times, but I’ve definitely reached a new level of cleaning and organizing over the last couple of months! I don’t think I’ve gone too crazy, but I definitely have cleaned and organized things that have nothing to do with bringing a baby home! For example, organizing and deep-cleaning my office, decluttering random drawers and closets, and (slowly but surely) organizing our basement.

Besides the aforementioned highlights, some memorable moments have also included seeing her in 3D at my weekly ultrasounds, packing my hospital bag, choosing her “going home” outfit, and buying her Christmas stocking. She also recognizes Luke’s voice and kicks wildly when she hears him talking. 💗

Hurry up, Baby Girl! We cannot wait to meet you!