2019: Goals Update for Q3




Don’t get me wrong, I do like summer. There’s just something so magical about fall.

Changing leaves, brisk air, beautiful landscapes, chic fashion.

Maybe that’s why I’m so excited it’s already September, yet terrified that 2019 is almost over already.

It feels like just yesterday we rang in the new year, yet here we are, at the end of Q3 and running full force into Q4 and 2020.

So, what did Q3 bring?

Well, a lot, but let’s break it down into the 3 words.


Q3 taught me to focus on relationships. In Mom Mom’s last weeks, I was hit with the reality that she was going to Heaven soon. It put life in perspective; it truly did. I wanted to focus on my time with her, on the moments sitting by her side with my mom and grandfather. It made me realize that a lot of times, I tend to focus on the “here and now” of social media, trivial problems, and more. Yet, that doesn’t matter in the long run, and I’m truly thankful for the adventures of TLGHG + TLDHG. I will focus on the good, because Mom Mom is no longer in pain. She is in Heaven with Jesus, and if that doesn’t put life into perspective, I don’t know what will.


I learned a lot of things this quarter. Instead of listing them all out, I’ll share one lesson learned: Comparison is the thief of joy.

Comparison comes in many forms. It doesn’t necessarily equate to envy or jealousy. Comparison can be a simple unrealistic thought or made up situation that you measure against your current situation.

This isn’t healthy and it can steal your joy and happiness. Instead of comparing, be thankful for your situation and learn to embrace its uniqueness. God teaches you something in every situation, but you won’t hear it if you’re too busy comparing.


Love is patient and kind, gentle and humble. It is beautiful and can be expressed in a variety of ways. A simple hand written note or an hour sipping coffee with a friend. Surprising someone with a gift or baking cookies just because. I’ve learned a lot about how to love, how to show love, and how to accept it. I’ve learned a lot about God’s love, and how sacrificial it truly is. I’ve learned how to show love in the everyday moments, and how even a small act of kindness can have the same impact as a grand gesture.

2019 is turning out to be a really challenging and memorable, yet beautiful year. Here’s to Q4 and what lies in store for the rest of it!