Monthly Roundup: April Favorites


April was a strange one, wasn’t it? I know the month isn’t completely over, but by the time I write the next blog post, it’s going to be May. Insert Justin Timberlake Meme Here.

April was the first full month of social distancing/quarantining, and I admit it was difficult at first to think of monthly favorites. What could be exciting and a favorite if we’ve been at home/inside all month?

But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized there is much to be thankful for. There are lots of good things happening. I’m determined to never take the good for granted.

If you haven’t checked it out, I was pretty vulnerable in my post, “How Quarantine’s Going So Far” and last week, I challenged myself to share some highlights from life in quarantine.

Here are a few more, specifically for the month of April.

Raise a Hallelujah

My church’s worship team came together to record a cover of “Raise a Hallelujah” by Bethel Music. We each recorded our vocals separately and then it was mixed and the music video created. Our church released it on Easter Sunday during its online service. It was really cool to watch and see how all the videos came together! We may be physically separated, but I’m thankful we were able to come together to create music. You can check the video out here.

Spring Break

Now that I work in higher education, when the university has Spring Break, so do its faculty and staff. I am unbelievable grateful for the week we were allowed to step away from our computers and take a break. Although the spring break was spent at home, it was nice to enjoy a week doing projects, hanging out, reading, and taking time away from a screen.

Old Navy Linen Pants

Earlier this month, my mom told me Old Navy was having a sale on linen pants. They came in all sorts of cute colors and they were pretty cheap (like $10 a pair). Naturally, I bought a few pairs and forgot all about them because shipping was delayed due to the pandemic. They finally arrived a few days ago and I am OBSESSED. They’re the perfect mix of professional and comfy. I’ve been wearing them with a t-shirt around the house and it feels like I’m wearing lounge pants. For sizing reference, I got Petite Small.

Amazon Prime Kindle Reading

I’m not a huge digital e-book reader. I typically gravitate towards audio books or holding a physical book. However, my friend informed me GoodReads partnered up with Amazon to offer a free trial on Amazon Prime Kindle Books and a bunch of them are FREE for a limited time. I instantly signed up and downloaded a few books that caught my eye. It’s been a fun change although I have to say, I still prefer physical books. There’s just something satisfying about turning an actual page.

Beach Body Cize + 21 Day Fix

One of the things that bummed me out the most about everything closing was the fact our gym closed. For obvious reasons, it was a good choice, but I have come to look forward to exercising (who is she?!) after work. We recently signed up for Beach Body On Demand and we’ve been going through 21 Day Fix and Cize. They’re fun and effective at-home workouts. It’s at least something, yanno?

Snail Mail

I love writing snail mail letters. During this time, I’ve tried to write at least one snail mail letter a week to friends and family who come to mind. It’s a simple gesture to let them know they’ve been on my mind and who doesn’t love getting good ol’ fashioned mail?!