12 Fun and Easy Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

I mentioned in my email to subscribers last week that I’ve been feeling the winter blues. (Also, if you’re new, hi! Welcome. Be sure to subscribe so you get my weekly email, too!)

Winter can feel like a neverending season of darkness, cold temperatures, and nothing to look forward to. After the holidays are over, the rest of winter drags on! Like me, you may also be experiencing a case of the winter blues.

Even though spring is around the corner and will come eventually, it can be easy to feel lost and a bit “blah” as we wait for days to get longer, temperatures to rise, and events to pop back up again. There’s no one way to beat the winter blues, but we’re in this together and I’ve compiled a list to hopefully help us combat this feeling of “blah.” Here are 12 ways that I’ve been trying to beat the winter blues this season:

{ONE} Try 10x10x10

Instead of working out for 30 minutes at once, try breaking it up into three 10-minute blocks: one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening. Perhaps you do 10 minutes of walking in the morning, 10 minutes of squats or weights at lunchtime, and 10 minutes of cardio at night. Switching up a routine workout can help it feel more enjoyable when it’s broken up throughout the day.

{TWO} Follow the sun

It may be too cold to be outside for long amounts of time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t follow the sun inside. Is there a room that gets lots of sunshine in the morning? Spend some time in that room while drinking your coffee or catching up on work emails, then follow the sun to another room as the light changes throughout the day.

{THREE} Stop watching the news

I’m just going to say it. The news can get really depressing really quickly. Try turning off the TV, avoiding news articles, and not listening to talk radio for a few days. I don’t believe any person should have access to so much content at all times. Give yourself a break from the news cycle, even if it’s only for 24 hours.

{FOUR} Create a sunny playlist

I love creating playlists for different moods or seasons and sometimes listening to music can help uplift your spirits, especially during the winter months. Create a playlist of your favorite songs, songs that remind you of warm weather, or find an already-created playlist to listen to. It’s a small action that can really help brighten your day! Here is my summer 2021 playlist if you need inspiration.

{FIVE} Incorporate elderberry, vitamin D and/or vitamin C into your diet

This time of year, we may not be getting enough of the vitamins we need because of the lack of sunshine. Obviously check with your doctor first, but see if there are ways to incorporate elderberry, vitamin D and/or vitamin C into your diet. One way I’ve been doing this is through shots (ginger shot, vitamin C shot, or a turmeric shot) found in the Aldi fridge section or on Amazon. You can also purchase elderberry tea, which is a cozy drink at night with a little bit of honey.

{SIX} Add some “hygge-inspired” practices into your routine

I’ve talked about hygge before but basically it’s the practice of adding coziness and bits of happiness into your everyday routines. There are many ways to do this, but a few of my favorites are burning candles, cuddling up with blankets and hot tea or coffee, and listening to relaxing playlists while I work. (My favorite right now is Chill Lofi Study Beats on Spotify.) The idea is to “romanticize” your everyday life by sprinkling cozy elements wherever you can.

{SEVEN} Get outside

Easier said than done, I know, especially when it’s freezing! But on the days when it’s not so brutally cold, try to get outside for a little bit. Take a walk, sit on your porch, or play with your pet. Fresh air is good for the soul and for our health, and any little bit helps!

{EIGHT} Add color to your home

As we anticipate springtime and the beautiful colors that come along with it, this is your friendly reminder that you don’t have to wait to add color to your home! Whether it’s swapping out your pillows, switching the blanket in your family room, swapping the photos on your fridge, or buying fresh flowers during your next grocery run, there are simple ways to add color and bring some “life” into your space. A little color goes a long way!

{NINE} Change your phone wallpaper or computer background

I tend to keep my phone and computer wallpaper backgrounds the same for months but I recently switched them both to new photos. It sounds cheesy, but the new photos make me feel like I have a new phone and laptop and gets me at least a little bit more excited to use them every day.

{TEN} Plan things

One of the reasons I have felt the winter blues lately is because I’ve been stuck inside. A LOT. I’m currently working remotely all week, taking classes, and doing a lot of indoor workouts. In the spring and summer months, there are lots of things to do, people to see, and places to go in the evenings and on the weekends. It may be challenging to do it now, but plan things! Whether that’s a coffee meetup with a friend, dinner, or a date night, planning things helps you look forward to something and get excited about what’s coming up.

{ELEVEN} Switch up your coffee routine

I typically drink only hot coffee in the wintertime (because, hello, it’s cold outside) but the other day, I chose iced coffee instead. This little change in my routine made my typical coffee experience a bit more enjoyable. Sure, it’s still cold outside, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the coffee you usually have in the summer! It was a good reminder that it’s okay to switch it up once in a while so I don’t feel “stuck.”

{TWELVE} Give yourself grace

This time of year can make us feel a lot of pressure to stay productive and happy even if it’s dark and cold outside. This list is not meant to make you feel like you have to do these things. Give yourself grace. Winter is hard and long and not fun. It’s okay if you’re not feeling yourself and feeling “blah.” Not every season lasts forever…spring IS coming! We’re all doing the best we can during these winter months, and this is your friendly reminder that you are doing great! ❤️

I asked you on Instagram for some ways to beat the winter blues! Here are some of your ideas:

  • All the music and friends 🤍

  • Taking my dog on long walks

  • Walks in nature

  • Go tanning

  • Play laser tag

  • Visit Florida

  • Opening my curtains & blinds to get some sunshine