Chai Tea With Keri (We're Having a Baby!)

Luke and I have been keeping a secret and it’s finally time to spill the beans!
We are expecting and due in December!!!

I cannot even describe how thrilled I am to finally announce this here. I started Coffee With Keri back in high school (as a different blog name) and if you’ve been with me that long, you’ve “watched” me graduate high school, start college, graduate from college, date and marry Luke, enter the workforce, and be part of so many more life milestones along the way. I’m thrilled I get to share this next exciting chapter of our lives with you!

I am rounding out the first trimester so thankfully, a lot of the typical first trimester symptoms are easing up! Here are a few fun facts that I haven’t been able to tell you for the past three months!!

  1. I’ve had a huge aversion to coffee for about 6-7 weeks. Yep, that’s right. No coffee for Coffee With Keri. My current go-to drink at Starbucks has been a Chai Tea Latte (hence this blog post title!). I’ve tried drinking coffee at home or at a coffee shop, and just the smell and thought of drinking it has been a turnoff for me. I hope this ends shortly because surviving on little to no caffeine every day has been a struggle. (It’s all very very worth it though for Baby Papili!)

  2. I haven’t had too many morning sickness symptoms (yay!). Thankfully, the typical morning sickness has not been a thing for me (thank the Lord!). I do get pretty nauseous at night, though, and am really tired by 10 a.m. (Yes, I said A.M.!) Besides that, my food aversions have been chicken, eggs, and coffee.

  3. My motivation to read has been 0. You know me, I love to read. Lately, though, I haven’t had any motivation to sit and read like usual. I’ve been slowlyyy reading a few books but my May book recap is going to be pretty short (spoiler alert!).

  4. I’ve been obsessed with Sour Patch Kids, Caprese salad, Cheez-Its, and smoothies. The smoothie recipe blog post last week makes sense now, huh? ;-) I’ve been loving fruit smoothies with spinach to get my greens in early and have been reaching for a variety of random foods throughout the day.

  5. Lucy has been extra cuddly. I think she knows something’s up! She won’t leave my side. I shared a photo on her Instagram today announcing she’ll be a big sister!

We are so excited to welcome Baby Papili in December, and I cannot wait to share more as I enter into this new stage of motherhood! Thank you for being such a vital part of my life throughout the years. Here’s to this next exciting chapter!