5 Super Simple Ways to Help Your Health


Okay, guys.

I’m PUMPED about this week’s blog post.

My cousin Susanna and I are opposite in a lot of ways. She’s super tall and blond, I’m short and brunette. She’s always down for an adventure, I’m more cautious and Type A. And growing up, we butted heads because of our strong (and contradicting) opinions on most things.

Although now we are best friends (if you ask our parents, it’s a miracle), we still are opposites. Like the fact Susanna has been in the health and fitness industry for years, is also a designer, a competitive weightlifter, and has literally pulled trucks.

You heard me correctly. PULLED TRUCKS.

There’s a reason I call her my body guard.

Susanna is also a writer (for real, what can’t she do?) So it shouldn’t be a surprise that when we were talking one day and she mentioned possibly writing for Coffee With Keri, I basically jumped at her and was like, OMG GUEST WRITE FOR ME PLEASE.

Because I’m so nonchalant, obviously.

And this week, my amazing rockstar of a cousin is on the blog and I absolutely love her advice.

And I know you will too.

Also, shameless plug to go check out her website: RebekahJoyFreelance.com

I think we all can pretty much agree that this has been an incredibly weird year…to say the least. As if trying to stay fit and healthy weren’t already difficult enough with “normal” life…but adding a quarantine into the mix? 


It’s enough to make anyone want to throw their hands up, never take off their sweatpants and just veg on the couch with their favorite cookies. Trust me. I get it.

Strict eating, 5 million different possible fitness avenues, trying to stay disciplined but hating every second of your life…put all that aside. There are a few very SIMPLE and PRACTICAL tricks you can do to start feeling healthier and more positive, both mentally AND physically. 

1) Stop trying to do it on your own. 

Whether it’s a friend, someone in your household, a personal trainer or nutritionist, don’t think you have to do everything on your own!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with everything out there, try looking for a personal trainer or nutritionist. A professional can help give you specific direction as well as keeping you accountable. Taking the “stress out of the decisions,” so to speak, can make a world of difference.

Or! Let’s say a trainer isn’t your thing or a nutritionist is too expensive.

Grab a buddy! Whether it’s a friend, a neighbor, someone in your household…whomever! Compete in a healthy eating pact (i.e., 30 days no sugar or alcohol), a backyard HIIT class…whatever you decide to do, having a buddy will not only help keep you accountable it is WAY more fun sharing it with someone else. It makes it more about the progress and goal and less about trying to be perfect all the time.  

*Helpful Hint* If you can’t think of anyone right off the bat, add a story on your social media about it! Chances are, you have at least an acquaintance wanting an accountability buddy too! #newfriendships

2)  Get those goodies out!

By not buying your guilty pleasure foods when out grocery shopping, you’re automatically a million times less tempted to give into cravings. There’s a big difference between walking to the cabinet and taking the time to drive to the grocery store. 

Boom. Enough said.  

3) Stop it with the comparison game. 

Mo’ social media. Mo’ problems. Ok, I kid…kind of.

While social media can be a good thing it is incredibly easy to start comparing yourself and your life to what you see on IG or Facebook. And it may be affecting you more than you think. Social media consists of (often edited) snapshots into a life where we rarely know the full story.  

Stay in your lane and only focus on comparing yourself to the person you were yesterday.

Cheesy? Yes.

But true? Also yes.  

4) Live in the present. 

This really probably should have been number one because even a little progress can make a world of a difference. But while it sounds simple it definitely is not easy and takes a lot of practice and awareness.  

In essence, it’s just keeping your thoughts in check…not focusing on how long and how hard everything is going to be, how you don’t know if you can do it or even our #3’s comparison game. 

Think “one step at a time,” not, “playing hopscotch.”

5) Stay thankful and positive!

Again, sometimes much easier said than done but focusing on what you DO have instead of what you DON’T have will keep your mental game in check…and your mental game is everything. 

It’s easy to let your attention gravitate toward the negative if you’re not careful. But just like #3, it will only lead you down a path of feeling unmotivated and sorry for yourself.

Try making it tangible! Because it’s easy to fall into that trap, take a minute every day and write 3 things down. 3 things that either you are proud that you did or for which you are thankful. 
