2021 Favorites

Blogmas Day 21

2022 is almost here, which is hard to believe. I’ve been reflecting on 2021 a lot lately. It has had its fair share of difficulties and trials. Some I’ve touched on, some I haven’t.

But what I do know is that 2021 flew by and there was also so much good that happened this year. In 2019 and 2020, I wrote blog posts that recapped my favorites from each year, and it was honestly a great way to reflect and remember all of the little joys that I may have otherwise forgotten.

So today I’m sharing my 2021 Favorites (so far) in the hopes of choosing to find the good this year, too. Instead of going into tons of detail, I decided to continue with the tradition of creating lists (hi, I’m Type A). I chose my top 5 for each category except for highlights, in which I chose 10. Because, why not?

Coffee Orders

  1. Grande Skinny Caramel Macchiato (trusty favorite)

  2. Peppermint Mocha (my holiday go-to)

  3. Iced non-sweetened Stok Cold Brew coffee with french vanilla creamer (summer must-have at home)

  4. Hazelnut coffee, french vanilla creamer, and a dash of cinnamon (my go-to, at-home brew)

  5. Honey Citrus Mint Tea (not coffee but my go-to when I’m feeling under the weather)


  1. The Silent Patient — Alex Michaelides (5/5 stars)

  2. People We Meet on Vacation — Emily Henry (5/5 stars)

  3. Such a Fun AgeKiley Reid (4.5/5 stars)

  4. Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Chris for Sinners and Sufferers — Dane C. Ortlund (5+/5 stars)

  5. Educated: A Memoir — Tara Westover (5/5 stars)

Podcasts & Apps

  1. Gals on the Go

  2. But What’s Next? with Michelle Reed

  3. Duolingo

  4. Goodreads

  5. One-Second Everyday

Film & TV

  1. How I Met Your Mother

  2. WandaVision

  3. Firefly Lane

  4. Shang Chi

  5. Spider Man: No Way Home


  1. Reading / running my bookstagram

  2. Working out (running and T-25)

  3. Organizing (it counts)

  4. Learning French

  5. Bullet journaling


  1. We visited the Friends experience in New York City.

  2. I completed my home office transformation.

  3. I started grad school.

  4. My niece Norah was born.

  5. We gave our front yard a makeover.

  6. We traveled to Florida to cheer on my sister-in-law Mazz as she graduated high school.

  7. Luke and I went to the beach for vacation.

  8. We celebrated our third wedding anniversary.

  9. I read over 70 books.

  10. I’m doing Blogmas!